Originally posted by JohnJ
There are some really valid points coming out of this discussion but your preaching to the converted.
A couple of years ago, when the home office began to look at this issue, I went to see my local MP to discuss the issue with him.
I took along a letter outlining my views and explaining what the sport entailed. I also took along a copy of PGI so that I could give my argument some credibility and to show that the sport is not all about camo and woodland events.
He agreed to back me and shortly afterwards I received a letter from the home office saying that they were treating paintball guns differently to airguns as they had recieved no complaints about them and did not consider them a threat.
I've been an active trade union member since I was 21 and I quickly learned that you win more arguments being proactive rather than reactive.
Go and see your MP, believe me they will be glad to discuss the issue with you (most politicians will kill for the 'yoof' vote) and acting now will save a lot of persuasion in the future.
Spread the paintball gospel,
JJ,you're not suggesting that you singlehandedly saved paintball are you?
On what the general public deem to be 'firearms-related incidents' we have no say. No matter how we control or police ourselves; no matter how many mps we visit; no matter what they tell us and how well intentioned they are, if the Gov't/public/media want a remedy for paintball, they will have it.
Remembering the issue to which JJ refers, the word on the pro-gun-lobby street was that paintball would complicate classification matters, and therefore was side-stepped.
You know, if you want to worry consider the outlawing of bb & airsoft... now that's on our doorstep.