its not (yet) the government calling for a change...
As I said in my original post, it is not the UK government or civil servants wanting tighter control but Trading standards (an independent body who try to protect consumers from unscrupulous traders/manufacturers/companies etc.).
Of course somebody in the government could take an interest in this and at an extreme ban air weapons (hitting us) or introduce some licensing scheme which could damage the sports growth or even existence. Another view would be nothing happens at all.
Thinking on an EU wide level, Italy and Germany have restrictions on Paintball markers, doesn’t take much imagination to think that as EU laws become harmonised, an EU law could sneak in which damages our sport.
This is where out sport needs a single democratic body to represent us. That body would be the UKPSF (only one I know about), which I must admit I am not a member of. How many percent of UK paintballers are ? Not wishing to involve myself in politics, perhaps the majority of players, or indeed all players should be a member of a single body to represent us.