Looks like the Corranian team has backed out of the 10 man. The Cameronians had something come up and they can't make it
But wait!!! K2 has come the rescue. That's right folks, we have a new team entered. K-Rosion is now booked in. Look out for the Corrosion/K2 squad at the 10 man!!!
P.S. Big Ian, we decided not to stay next to Hooters since it was 50 minutes away from the site. We are now staying at the Travel Lodge at Worksop, but that won't stop us from going out and being stupid so we are still on!!!
P.S. Big Ian, we decided not to stay next to Hooters since it was 50 minutes away from the site. We are now staying at the Travel Lodge at Worksop, but that won't stop us from going out and being stupid so we are still on!!!