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U.K. 10 Man Championship

Big Ian

New Member
Jul 8, 2001
Robin Hood Country
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If they didn't tell you at the office, up to 10 teams, straight round robin tournament. 10 + teams, self seed format with 2 games to decide the divisions.

See you at Hooters on the 23rd.

Big Ian


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Hardie-- Everything is good to go for the 10 man. Ii will be giving you a ring next week sometime.

Ian-- Thanks for the clarification on that. Hopefully there will be 10+ teams playing. I have been trying to promote the hell out of this tournament for you guys in case you haven't noticed. Do I get something for my efforts?:D

Big Ian

New Member
Jul 8, 2001
Robin Hood Country
Visit site

Myself and Bruvver Marlon will be delighted to take yourself and the rest of the Cameronians out for a beer (one solitary beer between you) for your trouble.:D

Seriously though, nice to see someone else showing passion for an event.

You have my number, give me a ring on the 23rd, the first beers are on Marlon, ( second on me ).

Big Ian

P S Bif's marshalling on the 24th, just remind him how stupid he really is :D , please !!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Originally posted by Big Ian

Myself and Bruvver Marlon will be delighted to take yourself and the rest of the Cameronians out for a beer (one solitary beer between you) for your trouble.:D

Seriously though, nice to see someone else showing passion for an event.

You have my number, give me a ring on the 23rd, the first beers are on Marlon, ( second on me ).

Big Ian

P S Bif's marshalling on the 24th, just remind him how stupid he really is :D , please !!!!
Sweet!!! Looking forward to free beer as always. I couldn't ask for a better reward. I will definitely be giving you a call!!


Cameronians old school
chip you should have came
to watch on sunday at the
euros, we done allright.....

looking forward to the 10 man,
and the best of luck at the weekend.

also looking forward to going for a drink
on the saturday just one or two ........:D :p ;)


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Originally posted by Hardie
chip you should have came
to watch on sunday at the
euros, we done allright.....

looking forward to the 10 man,
and the best of luck at the weekend.

also looking forward to going for a drink
on the saturday just one or two ........:D :p ;)
There will be much beer that will be consumed by many Corronians on the 23rd. We are privilaged to have Bif and pals escort us to the finest drinking establishments and Hottie spots Nottingham has to offer. Hopefully everyone will make it to the field on the next day :rolleyes:

Big Ian

New Member
Jul 8, 2001
Robin Hood Country
Visit site

Trigger Happy are one, Maxem are another,. do not have a clue on the other team ( poss Shockwave, not sure )

However, I guarantee that it will be a blast.

Big Ian

P S What are you doing 16/6/02 ?

PPS When you meet Bif, you will realise, give it 30 seconds or so, how stupid he really is !!!!!

PPPS Can't be out later than 3.30 on the morning of the 24th as I have to get up at 4.30 ( need my beauty sleep ) to marshall you guys :p :D :p :D


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Originally posted by Big Ian

Trigger Happy are one, Maxem are another,. do not have a clue on the other team ( poss Shockwave, not sure )

However, I guarantee that it will be a blast.

Big Ian

P S What are you doing 16/6/02 ?

PPS When you meet Bif, you will realise, give it 30 seconds or so, how stupid he really is !!!!!

PPPS Can't be out later than 3.30 on the morning of the 24th as I have to get up at 4.30 ( need my beauty sleep ) to marshall you guys :p :D :p :D
Thanks for the info. 16/6/02 we will be playing paintball at skirmish nottingham against some falling snow team hint hint!! I really don't wanna be out later than 3:30 anyway so we should be good to go. Seems that in the past if we were out later than 3:30 the morning session games don't turn in our favor to well.:D