We are a southern team but did northern tourny for the reasons given earlier by Nick T, oh yeah.... and we gotta welsh blokeOriginally posted by Mark T, Rushers
I forgot Redz - making it happen for sure!!!
There are some good teams out there - now we need some great ones!!!
I think Nick is right too - the top end of northern paintball is, on average, higher than the south. The south has Rushers, Tigers, Shock, Backlash (OK Outcast Chip) and Raven & Campaign (both improving)
The north has Banzais, Kellys, K2, JCS Imperial, Chameleons, Killer Clowns, Redz (north??), Nitro, Viper, Tremmor and a few others besides.
Would it be great if we got the best out of these teams and tried putting a team together? Hey X-Ball!!!!!
Seriously we need to get a UK championship - say in October after the Millenniums have finished - where we can all get together, at the same time, and duke it out!!!! Brit ball only - no jonny foreigners!!!
I seem to remember making a series of threads before christmas about an all sup air league, and quite frankly the response I got was crap!Originally posted by Al Woods
As for the tourney scene, well I said earlier we need a higher profile local series. if the promoters get their heads together surely between them we could have a class set of higher profile events. I know this aint for all teams but like Mr. T said it'd be real cool to have a good size championship series of around 3 or 4 tourneys for the pedigree teams, or anyone who wants to enter for that matter, that is a great well run set of events with good fields and good facilites. If we can't help ourselves then no-one else is gonna do it for us. Think about it.
Simply the best at Elsham was awesome and the Diablo cup ripped too, events of that calibre, perhaps maybe with a bit more clout and slicker venues. This would get us all together to see who's doin the biz and how, **** we may even realise how good we actually are.