Originally posted by crom-dubh
The problem is that Muslim is not a nationality. Could I then say that all of the terrorist activities that have occured in the UK have been committed by catholics? No I cannot. Have the British government the right to persecute catholics of all nations because of this? No. It is a too broad generalisation.
That analogy may work if there were 5 or 6 Fundamental Catholic State(s). Or if Catholic priests were preaching Christian revolution in London, Brooklyn, and Belgium.
Originally posted by Buddha 3
It seems that instead of finding the root of the problem and trying to fix that, all the emphasis is put on blowing the crap out of things. Ask yourself why they hate the US, and try to fix that. The US government is battling the symptoms, not the cause of the disease.
Unfortunately we have the U.S. State Department on that job. You all talk about propping up Saudi Arabia, there you go. I talk of blowing the deal with Turkey, and calling the current Iranian government a democracy, I give you Foggy Bottom. They haven't even bothered to set up TV or radio news in Iraq, instead the Iraqis are getting a healthy dose of anti-Americanism/Westernism from Al-Jazeera and the like.
Originally posted by Buddha 3
That makes sense, but does it not also make sense to do some research into why this guy wanted to blow you up, after you've tw@tted him around some?
I think we do know what makes guys like Usama tic, but lets just say that it's a relationship that cannot be built upon. I believe the "why" they hate us is known, it's the "how" to deal with it that we need a better strategy on. And again our State Department sucks at doing it. For the record I am not saying that the "why" has anything to do with globalization, Israeli aggression, or Hollywood movies.
Originally posted by Buddha 3
But it works the other way around too, you knock some of their stuff down, they get mad at you.
Please feel free to list that "stuff" we knocked down FIRST, and by first I mean not preceeded by them knocking down our "stuff".
Originally posted by Buddha 3
And I'm realistic enough to realise that becoming friends with Osama and his pack of fun lovers is not a real option, but what is an option is to make sure that relations are such that Osama has no more fertile breeding grounds for his view of the world. And that can't be achieved by bombing alone.
So you advocate regime change in Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt (more like a regime tweak there), Libya, Sudan, Yemen, and a few other nations whose government controlled media contributes to the anti-western fervor in order to deflect attention from their own corruption?
Originally posted by duffistuta
I'm actually hoping that Israel/Palestine gets sorted and Iraq finds its feet, groundswell of anti-US feeling dissipates, Iran 'frees' itself and we all kick back and enjoy a rootbeer, basking in the sunshine of global peace and harmony.
I can dream, can't I?
I hope so too, but I just know that Israel and the Palestinians are going to **** the bed, and it's going to be nasty. Call it a hunch.