Originally posted by lettucecheesecake
Robbo why do u think the world is against you?
i read your parts in the mag every month and it helps a lot i just would like to see more english teams in the mag! end of,simple now bitching at the tigers because they have a following is childish imho. i have nothing to do with the tigers AT ALL,NONE ZIP,ZERO so why not pop at me rather than just assuming its them? both teams have changed their names to encourage support now this is happening your gonna cry about it? i respect the fact that youve worked very hard to get nexus where they are and made them a top european team even a globaly respected team,you have your own custom marker thats used worldwide. you guys dont need any more do you? all im saying is how about letting other uk/euro pro teams have some of the lime light.
Look here dumbass, below is your original post
Why are the tigers never in pgi?
As the best team in the country (proven twice) i think we should see more of them in OUR pgi. nexus are a good team dont get me wrong but the tigers are better. i know robbo works for pgi but why not give em some credit that they deserve.
Notice anything?????
Well let me point u in the right direction,
I know robbo works for pgi but......
What the hell is that supposed to mean ?
I tell you what it implies, it implies I am keeping them out, I have answered that in full.
And yet you have the fackin cheek to ask why I think people are against me?????
Are u being intentionally stupid here or were u just born like it?
And if the Tigers wanna get in more, then they have to do more, I am afraid winning a couple of games against Nexus at XBall ain't gonna impress anybody that much, I mean, if you were right, the sponsors would be queuing up to sponsor them, they ain't mate.
You beginning to understand yet?
And PGI ain't yours at all, it's the international paintball communities, of which the UK is about 2%...understand yet?
And XBall is played by about 5% of the European teams and we(Nexus) are still the best 7 man in the UK, understand yet???
Now if u wanna seee more tigers pics and u feel that aggrieved, go and take some yerself and collect them and put them into a litltle album so you can sit and look at them.
Understand yet?