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The Outer Limits--what's okay and what isn't?


Jan 10, 2002
Just SoManc
Originally posted by Benfrain
I honestly feel that the western world is in danger of disappearing up it's own politically correct arse.

We are too worried about hurting peoples feelings. It's like saying we can't make jokes about the Irish/Geordies being thick or the Scottish being tight. Do we really think that? No, it's just a stereotype that is funny for the occasional piss take. The 'brothas' and jail thing is just a joke...

Now, I can't say for sure because I am white but for crying out loud, you are being racist thinking a black person will take it badly - they do have a sense of humour too!

What about all the piss takes at white peoples expense because we can't dance and black blokes are better equiped in the trouser department? There was a film called 'White Men Can't Jump' - don't hear me phoning watchdog do you? Because it's just a joke, enjoy it in the spirit it was intended.

I'm willing to bet that the majority of people who have complained about Jack's post aren't black.

And just for the record I have no idea who Jack is and have probably never met him. If he deliberately did it to atagonise then he'll have to do a lot better than that for me.


Pompey Paintballer
Originally posted by Baca Loco
What's acceptable content and language for P8ntballer? We've had versions of this discussion before but there's lots more peeps hanging around now. You got a gripe, let's hear it. You got a semi-literate point of view--take your best shot.
Will it change anything? Maybe, maybe not. Let's see what happens.
In principle I am opposed to any restriction on free speech in that I am not comfortable with the fact that if there are limitations somebody has to decide what the limits are. This means the determination of what is and isn't acceptable is based on the subjective opinion of an individual or a small group

Personally I don't like racist or sexist comments because I think they're offensive or crass but that's just my opinion and I don't think my opinions should have a role in restricting the free speech of others. I wouldn't like the opinions of others restricting my speech

Do unto others etc.

Everybody has a right to be an arsehole. Doesn't mean they should be though

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Plain and simple, I ain't black. But my daughter is half black, so you do the math and figure her mom's colour.
You have no idea how much **** modern day so called enlightened people still throw my way because of that. I ain't having it, not on this board, in exactly the same way that most people won't take personal slurs on these forums.

And Paul, yes a smiley does make a difference. At least he could claim to have made a joke. I have no problem with jokes, even racist ones at times. Most racist jokes I hear from non-whites. But every time it is clear that it is a joke, through body language and other non verbal communications. You don't have that on a forum, so you have to weigh your words carefully, because things are easily misinterpreted. So you have smileys, which don't come near to real bodylanguage, but it's at least something. So it still stands, he'd better show up soon, or he's gone.


Pompey Paintballer
I really dislike it when I find myself defending an opinion or statement which I vehemently disagree with. Makes me feel extremely uncomfortable

However I must come back to something which has long been one of my core beliefs. It's a (slightly melodramatic) quote by Evelyn Beatrice Hall which is usually attributed wrongly to Voltaire

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. "
Not always a happy situation to be in but I hope I'm not the only person here who subscribes to this bit of personal philosophy

Naturally the P8 Forums are not "Real Life" and we have to accept limits in somebody elses house but since Baca asked for opinions I thought I should offer mine

BTW. If I were in your shoes Jay I do not know if my opinion would be different. I have always had the utmost respect for your actions and style as a moderator here


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Rather than this becoming solely a 'racism on the boards debate' we might be better off sticking to the topic in hand as a whole :)

To deal with that post firstly though, I more or less agree with Mr Frains post :) I don't mind being called a thick Geordie, christ if the only Geordies I'd ever seen as a southerner were Gazza and Jimmy Nail I would probably be inclined to agree :D

As for the comment by Jack Daniels I can also see how it could be taken one of two ways. Personally I thought it was a bit harsh. It doesn't really compare with calling a Scot tight does it??!! Or maybe it does in some peoples minds??

As for the general topic I would say the following...

The boards in general are well moderated. Glad the lets pat each other on the back weekly training posts have been knocked on the head :p

Also happy the forums haven't degenerated into some of the other 'forums' out there full of people slagging each other off. By comparison there are a lot of decent posts on here. I think the reason the forums aren't as bad as other places though is that the majority of people that post on here, at least on a regualr basis appear more mature??!! or is that just me?


UK Cougars
Jul 9, 2001
Whilst I took JD's post with a pinch of salt, I can understand some people taking offence but although this board tends to leave political threads to continue ...well mostly if it has a paintball theme..the ball was dropped on this one as the thread should have never been allowed to live. Ok Joe Bob says some real dumb stuff from time to time and anyone else noticed how his spelling and grammar have suddenly improved...another TJesque personna? But Joe Bob should have had the thread removed in the begining....there are racists in paintball and in the world generally (not saying that Joe Bob is a racist or JD btw) But who are we to assume that someones beliefs should be the same as everyone else. This is said with all the other things that get thrown up from time to time as to this forum wants this so we will get it. The P8 board made the error this time.
To keep things in line a new guideline should be introduced that runs somewhere along the lines of NO Political or Racial threads of any kind, paintball related or otherwise. Sure that will stop any more anti war threads etc and might even stop Hotpoint and Baca going at it as they tend to do...at least with that ruling inplace then the mods should have no arguements with threads dissapearing.


Thug Lovin'
Sep 27, 2002
Visit site
Sorry, but as being a person from THE most racist of countries at the moment, ban his ass. Completely. This kind of post has no validity among our socieity in this day and age. I believe that racism has no place within our lives. PERIOD.
I believe that idiots should be routed out, named and shamed. If anyone believes the same. just say yeah. If not, nay my request. Baca, this should answer your question.
I have had a close perspective on the way the world works, all i can say is,' Love and live it to the full.'

joe bob

copyright '03
ok if you took my thread as being racist, sorry

i didnt mean for it to be I just wanted to know if there were any pro black players, but i guess i didnt know how to go about it...
if you were offended, sorry

and i am not TJ! never was, never will be, unless i change my name to Thomas Jefferson or whatever....

i am not racist, and I am against racism

mods if it makes you happy to delite that thread then get on with it


Thug Lovin'
Sep 27, 2002
Visit site
Not you, Joe. You are an anomoly ( correct spelling??). Brought up something that was ignored within our (Paintball) society, but was worth investigating. JB, good subject, bad reply. Keep it up.:D