Think people are maybe over complicating an already complicated situation 
Even getting people together from the three different series may pose a problem never mind the rest of the stuff mentioned... walk before we can run springs to mind.
The idea of the top teams from the three different series playing a tournament at the end of the season may be a reasistic possibility though as Blakey mentioned
At the moment you have different leagues because not everyone can travel so far, or afford the time off work etc that is involved in playing some of the tournaments around the country. But I think for a 'final' tournament of sorts (which at the end of the day would only be once a year) would be welcome to the majority of teams.
Just my thoughts, don't shoot me (unlessI'm shooting back at you
Even getting people together from the three different series may pose a problem never mind the rest of the stuff mentioned... walk before we can run springs to mind.
The idea of the top teams from the three different series playing a tournament at the end of the season may be a reasistic possibility though as Blakey mentioned
At the moment you have different leagues because not everyone can travel so far, or afford the time off work etc that is involved in playing some of the tournaments around the country. But I think for a 'final' tournament of sorts (which at the end of the day would only be once a year) would be welcome to the majority of teams.
Just my thoughts, don't shoot me (unlessI'm shooting back at you