I'll second Shuck's comments! Coming from down south, it was a light relief to play a concept tourney at a different site. The concept fields were great, supair was well laid out with close in snapshooting and furious battles all over. Hyperball, well what can i say, bit of a new one this but i'm sure it will grow on me (less over agressive play from a few opponents would stop my head hurting though!!

), its certainly different!! The woodland field (and i've played my fair share) sucked BIG STYLE. It was trully lacking in imagination and made for a boring defensive game that entertained no one. Try varying the height and density of the barricades and the material used and the field could be much better.
Thanks has to go to the organisers - Bully, Big Ian and the rest (don't know names yet - i'm new up hear!!) and of course all the teams we played. Biggest thanks of all has to go to the Troopers who have taken me in as their very own southern fairy!!

and Shuck who got in touch and invited me down. Good luck with JCS mate!! Also thanks to PeeGee for fixing my marker without a second thought - much appreciated mate!!
Finaly, good luck to JCS Imperial and Inferno, you guys proved in the games against us that you have the ability and the determination to help take paintball in the UK to another level (Shockwave, watch your backs!!

) this can only be good thing for everyone!
See you at the next leg...........