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Thanks To All Who Turned Up At The 2002 Series At Nottingham

Big Ian

New Member
Jul 8, 2001
Robin Hood Country
Visit site

"Bif , I am honestly gonna miss you man. I hope nothing I have said or done has influenced you leaving our loving family we all know as Skirmish"

Since when have you ( or me ) ever cared ?

"The loving family", Who's that then ?

To be honest ( not ) we really miss you Bif, nobody else to extract the urine from on site anymore !!! :D

If they were female at the skinny dipping, any photos ? If male send 'em to Maggot :p

Big Ian

P S If you want to train on the 17th, no worries, I will cover your paint.

P P S Everything they say about "The Gimp" is true. :eek:


Performance By Design
Jul 7, 2001

Just like to say.....A very big thank you to Nick and everyone at the Notts 10 Man...it was awesome....
Well done to Banzis and Shockwave ...by the way it was tight in our Div well played to shockwave for beating us to take 1st place from us in our Div.....
well done to all teams and marshalls.........
Unlucky to K-Rossion lol some great games fellas with you , Uk Chameleons and all in our Div.....
and finally to the New teams and Novice teams in our Div ..very well played keep it up ......


thanks for the offer big guy, but for one i think you've already helped ( and depressed!!!) me enough.

but as I said i just think I need to get away from a few things down there before i really can't enjoy it. And even when I'm not marshalling it can be the same, for example when I came to watch the 10 man.

but as I've said before, if you do ever get stuck, then drop me a line, but I will be back soon(ish).

thanks again.


is that Big Into fitness, or Bloody Incredible Fu#~ I can never remember.!!!!

P.s. I won't be able to get a proper clean break as junior has now joined my gym, did you know he's a pro!!!