Good Grief, Charlie Brown...
As I've said before, the first time I saw TeeJ play was in St. Louis at the 1997 NAAPSA Championships.
A couple of weeks earlier, I had just won the Zap Am with the Saberwolves...but I was playing the NAAPSA event with my Dad's team, the Slimeballs.
TeeJ was there with another team (who shall remain nameless), and was absolutely rockin' da' burgh...and no, that "nameless team" was NOT the Slimeballs.
Secondly, I was using an Automag RT at the time, and although I was but days away from acquiring my first Angel, TeeJ was already using an Angel and actually his 'gun is the first Angel I ever shot.
Now I ask you, even assuming I'm schizophrenic (which is necessary in this debate), how could I POSSIBLY be TeeJ if (a) he was playing at the same event as I with a different team than I, and (b) he was using an Angel before I even had one???
Lotsa love to all...