Justin, you knew I'd be lurking out there
Jnr/shockwave3, TJ and Flashpoint are ficticious (June 02, pg 043, "Sorry ..."). You missed a very entertaining thread on this very topic back quite a ways. There actually was an unrelated team called Flashpoint in New Zealand, don't know if they still play.
The editors never came clean when I guessed who it was long time ago (rotten scoundrels) but the Californianisms, the pattern of his posts and the mistaken use of the poodle reference by both him and his doppleganger clinched it.
Enjoy the faux editorials. I kinda think he gives a less than great characterization of the game (especially when compared to the articles by the real writer, kudos to those) and has alot more to offer, but that's just one opinion.
And here comes the denial.