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Stolen From UKM Uttoxeter


Cannock Cobras
storm1975 said:
I don't want to point a finger but we were camping at the bottom edge of the field. I did notice a couple of guys on quad bikes (not in paintball clothing) carefully squeezing around the tents. Could of been completely innocent but why squeeze a quad bike around tents and cars when there are loads of open spaces?

I didn't give it much thought at the time but the more I think now the more suspicous they looked.

Don't know if anyone else saw anything.

im not 100% sure but i think they are something to do with the site as they are there most month's


Down but not out.
Feb 15, 2006
Visit site
yes they are but why the unusual route around the tents?They seemed to be hanging around that area alot,untill a theift was reported then they stayed well away.


What do u mean i missed!!
Mar 1, 2002
those two guys on the quads work for jamie pagett the site owner, and could have quite possibly been sent done to the woodland site later in the day.

I would speak to jamie if you have any doubts, but i know one of the lads and i would be very suprised if he did take anything as it would be completly out of caractor (sp?)

PM me if you want jamies number



Cannock Cobras
i think it is more likely to be a player or spectator in playing gear to be able to get away with it.

it is such a shame that you can no longer trust to leave your gear unattended, most insurance companys will cover your gear on your house insurance but still its not nice to know there is a thief in the group i will think twice about leaving gear around.



Mighty KPA Gaffer
Mar 3, 2006
West Midz
crafty said:
So, THANK YOU whoever you are for making the game even more expensive.............
......if thats the way to promote the sport I DON'T WANT IN. I appologise to anyone I may have inadvertantly offended it wasn't meant to offend, but, YOU..... YES YOU, THEIVING ******* GIVE IT BACK NOW!!!!!
I couldn't agree with you more Craig!


Suicide Badger #1
isac_hunt said:
i think it is more likely to be a player or spectator in playing gear to be able to get away with it.
I may just be being naieve (sp?) but i cant believe it would be a player, i know there are some players that are cnuts but i believe that everyone has the respect not to steal from each other especially when they know what it would be like if it happened to them.

Maybe we just stop spectators being allowed into the staging areas, by way of players passes or something. That way it would be slightly easier to catch the theiving *******s.

or some form of CCTV in the staging areas maybe an answer.


Jul 21, 2005
The best resolve to theft is lock and key but this isn't always possible.

We are fortunate enough to have cars and friends that like to spend the day with us and look after stuff. I'd be more than happy to lock a spare marker in my car for anyone who has to leave it unattended.

Think the honest folk amongst us have to look out for each other and stop the SCUM (no other word for it that wouldn't get the post deleted) from taking our hard-earned kit as soon as our backs are turned.


Kings Park Assassins
Jan 1, 2006
West midz :)
You cant trust anyone these days, best to keep your kit locked away just to be safe, the people who took that kit knew what they were doing and knew what they were taking we had a mech marker in our tent why didnt they take that?, those two on the quads would have looked out of place if they were riding a quad with a marker:confused: But they did have masks on:confused: we will never know now, we need a area for players tents with mobile cctv or a marker stand with a staff supervision.


Retired Warlord
Apr 3, 2006
sbdan05 said:
I may just be being naieve (sp?) but i cant believe it would be a player, i know there are some players that are cnuts but i believe that everyone has the respect not to steal from each other especially when they know what it would be like if it happened to them.

Maybe we just stop spectators being allowed into the staging areas, by way of players passes or something. That way it would be slightly easier to catch the theiving *******s.

or some form of CCTV in the staging areas maybe an answer.
I was only watching on saturday and to be honest its not really just the playing area you'd hav to be worried about. People were leaving markers around everywhere. However suspician aint the answer guys though i too did see the people on quads near the tents and around the stands when i was buyin paintballs, which is slightly uncommon. I think the alarm systems a great idea and the cctv would be too though i imagine that would be just more of an excessive cost to what paintball already is


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
Ok I have a feeling on this, and yes I think I may upset someone. But ah well.

My thought is that it was without question a player. But not tourney I think that tourney and rec don’t that often cross. So if you say for argument sake a rec player has these gats away. They won’t show up at the tourney scene. Just after lunch I saw 3 guys camo bottoms boots ECT and they were down by the tent at the bottom of the site. probably innocent but do you see my point?

I am for sure going to get my kit on in the morning and only go to staging area with one gat :eek: and when I break that one get another and another :eek:

I am not having the stuff that I work hard for stolen by another player. Its some one who knows how we all are and they know that we leave our kit just lying around and until we wise up and realise that not all players can be trusted and are the nice guy you were just chatting too: mad:

I have also rang my home insurance and made sure that all my kit is covered and I have photos of the lot

We have all got to get a grip and think that some one else in this sport has not got the same feelings towards it as the rest of us do. One or two players in with us are a thief and cannot be trusted. Until the day comes when he is found out. Protect your kit yourself. dont look to event organiser to sort it for you. I know I will be keeping my stuff safe at every event from now on.

So you thieving siht hope you enjoy your new toy and hope it makes you happy for a while. And then I hope some one repays the favour and goes around to your house while you’re out at a tourney and robs you blind