Ok I have a feeling on this, and yes I think I may upset someone. But ah well.
My thought is that it was without question a player. But not tourney I think that tourney and rec don’t that often cross. So if you say for argument sake a rec player has these gats away. They won’t show up at the tourney scene. Just after lunch I saw 3 guys camo bottoms boots ECT and they were down by the tent at the bottom of the site. probably innocent but do you see my point?
I am for sure going to get my kit on in the morning and only go to staging area with one gat

and when I break that one get another and another
I am not having the stuff that I work hard for stolen by another player. Its some one who knows how we all are and they know that we leave our kit just lying around and until we wise up and realise that not all players can be trusted and are the nice guy you were just chatting too: mad:
I have also rang my home insurance and made sure that all my kit is covered and I have photos of the lot
We have all got to get a grip and think that some one else in this sport has not got the same feelings towards it as the rest of us do. One or two players in with us are a thief and cannot be trusted. Until the day comes when he is found out. Protect your kit yourself. dont look to event organiser to sort it for you. I know I will be keeping my stuff safe at every event from now on.
So you thieving siht hope you enjoy your new toy and hope it makes you happy for a while. And then I hope some one repays the favour and goes around to your house while you’re out at a tourney and robs you blind