What I am about to say is my opinion and not that of my team (unless they choose to agree).
This is my first season playing tournies as it is for my 13 year old son who has a regular place in the team line up. During the MM6 at Stoke I witnessed two sides of the game, one good and one not so.
On the Saturday evening there were several teams gathered round for a B-B-Q and a few beers - it was a great night with fellow enthusiasts for the games having a laugh. My son enjoyed it too and remarked upon it when we got home in that he feels "part of the scene" as he is excepted by you guys even though he is only 13 - Thanks guys! (thats the good bit)
On Sunday I witnessed at least two serious "bust ups" on the field both of which involved plenty of swearing and in one case the offer of a fight. In neither of these cases, as far as I can tell, were there any consequences for those involved. Now what do I tell my son when he asks why grown adults are ready to fight over a game of paintball. I don't care how important the game is or whats gone on there is no excuse. I hope never to take the game so seriously that I am prepared to batter someone as the consequence of a bad call or any other reason.
A saint I am not and yes I have been Pi55ed off during games but it is a game and behaviour like this does not do our image any good at all and certainly does not encourage youngsters to get involved. I ask you this, if it had been my son that had caused the outrage would he be offered out for a fight? I hope not!
More and more we are trying to expose the game to a wider audience but its not going to happen if it kicks off like it did on Sunday.
My two pence worth and ready for the flames