As the staining paint thread seems to be going on, I suggest the people doing the posting do a little research and they might find out a few interesting things about how all paint reacts with other materials.
The arguments of staining have gone on for years and every new generation of Paintballers believe they will change the face of the
game when they discover a spot on a plastic item.
Generally it is considered Pink, Blue and white balls stain. In reality it is all he same chemical it is just the dye that is different. It is not like orange juice and Lemon juice where two fruits are used it is more like Two Oils like Shell and BP, same junk processed different. The process that puts high colours Pink, white Blue is more prone to reaction on various poly chemicals. Greens and Yellow may react to lower density poly's like paint on a leather Belt, nylon stitches in a battle pack etc.
The fact is all paint will stain given the right time and chance on the right surface made by every manufacturer = don't wash you kit properly and promptly you may have a stain on it.
Nickel will react to any dye but what we do not realise is there is Nickel in almost every cosmetic metal we use even it was just a
trace to allow anodising to take. The Paint on your Car or the Strap on your watch may all contain nickel and could stain in time
with any Paint. But the same can be said for Blue icing Sugar, yoghurt and milk shake ever notice those marks pigeon crap leaves on your car if you don't wash it off straight away.
Also spectators should not be getting hit with paint, if you play expect to get paint on you, if you're not playing you shouldn't get any paint on you - but lets assume you do, how the hell would you know what brand, let alone where it came from when there are games in progress on multiple fields. No doubt you have seen people who have picked up the odd paintball off the ground and are squeezing it between their fingers how do you know it didn't come from something like that. Wasn't there a recent reported incident about a player shooting players out of a tournament whilst sitting in a bush away from the field could have come from something like that too I suppose?
I'd also be interested to know how many people doing these postings (saying ban certain colours of paint, use particular brands only, etc.) are involved with the sale, distribution or promotion of paint. Are they being objective or is it more to do with market share?