Robbo is right in one respect, but yes to gain any financial help with a team is good, but then again as he said if we took certain players from teams and tuned them together, we get a pro team of excellant standards.
But then by tune I mean they have got to work as a team, commitment, and most of all treat every member as a brother or sister lol ( just in case of the females who may want to pick me up on that one , sorry Wendy if you read this),
The team has to be tuned so a single player is not always helping to get that team a good result!
Well here goes I think Its time someone laid the gauntlet down and see what happens, it has been discussed and the players out there know who u are............
I will say this any player that considers they can be a pro player or is one, I want them to write to me and say their bit and explain who they are where they want to go and what they have been doing. (A portfolio)
I invite any company or any help with sponsorships or discounts on goods if possible to contact me with offers.
I would like any feedback from Robbo as to his experiance and to ask politely if I can train this team with NEXUS.
I dont want something for nothing, what I want is to now say, Everybody stop bitchin and lets do something about it, the game is up to all of us but where we take it seems to be in limbo.
So get writing, please note don't waste my time as its important to me and let me just say to run a team is so bloody difficult, I wont be taking any prisoners.
If you are not committed then I dont want to know, this team if it comes to happen will be Pro only, no AM (a) or (b) and we will train and yes I will be investing money in it plus time money and sweat and tears.
Who knows at the start it may not be that different than what you are already paying if not cheaper but show results and believe me results make prizes and thats all we all want.
Now the gauntlet is down , the training area for this will be discussed and for now I await answers
E MAIL marcusmaddison@hotmail.com