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Smart Parts Patents


UK Cougars
Jul 9, 2001
Well I couldn't either, would have thought that the thread starter would have been able to but since when has any of the editing tools other than the text ones ever worked. I named the thread the way I did 'cos to be honest I didn't expect it to take off like it has :eek: Many times I have posted stuff I thought "should" have had a bigger reaction and it hasn't and other times I have posted in a thread ...said my bit and then the thread dies :confused: you can't always gauge how something is going to turn out ;)


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Originally posted by manike
OK, did you miss the point where these patents are already approved and GRANTED!

It's now up to a fight in the court of law. The USPTO already did their part... just as well as they usually do. :rolleyes:
Yeah I did miss that part fella :)

If this is the case that they already have the patent are they within there rights to enforce it now then, or is this what the court case is for?



New Member
Sep 18, 2001
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The court case is probably for the enforcement of the said patents. So its all about the bling bling in plain english my friend. Wich would suck if they WOULD have the right to claim that patent. But as they have a lot of prior art preceeding them it will be an interesting battle.

AGD takes it seriously WGP takes it seriously and I think its not a good sign!



Pretty boy
Jul 10, 2001
This sucks, I am a huge fan of SP markers and kit, yet i think competition is healthy for trade and R&D. This would put a lot of companies out of buisness and frankly blows.
Would this also knock on to all after market SP markers, such as the adrenalin and the nasty?
If this is gonna be the way they proceed i think i may just apply for a patent on round paintballs then charge people a fortune to use my patent. Hell whats the worst it could do, kill paintball long term? wouldnt matter to me, i would have made a quick buck!

Maybe someone should contact SP and ask for a press release concerning this matter. So we can at least understand what they really plan to do, rather than have leaked rumours.


Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by WGP-RICHIE

This is very real... basicaly smart parts had a patent in 1996 regarding solinoids and now they jast had a patent continuation in part that will effect EVERYONE who makes ANY KIND of electronic marker... this is happening because thier patent is so broad in its description.....now what does this mean?

well if this happens then everyone who makes any electronic marker has to pay (this is the rumor we have heard, but it came from important people) 1 million dollars upfront and 55-75 dollars per gun manufactured and sold...what this means to gun manufacturers is that why would we (all the inventers and designers of electronic guns) continue to make or design markers if someone else gets gets the $....that million dollars will be impossible for alot of gun manufacturers to come up with...so what does this mean for you the players?------- your only choices are to buy smartparts electronic guns, or pay alot more for an Eclipse, Worrblade, E-Mag, Angle, Spyder, Timmy, Bush master... or any other marker besides smartparts. and who do you think is gonna pay that million dollars and 55-75 dollars per gun...well let me just say that that cost will effect the consumer because gun manufacturers would all have to charge alot more...

so take this very seriosly and let your opinion be heard..contact smartparts and express your opinions and concerns, because its you guys who make paintball what it is, and if this happens this sport we all love WILL change forever...

^^^^This was expressed to me Bud Orr directly... this is Buds official stance on the matter

If there is a time to come together and express your feelings now is the time.....

richie (btw i work at Worr Games)


New Member
Apr 7, 2002
East yorkshire
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Well lets face it people Sp were getting there arses kicked when it came to bringing out new equipment look at what has happened with the new Shocker released when didnt get released i just hope this all backfires on smartparts cos ultimately the sport of paintball is the one that is gonna suffer if this goes through. I dont know about anyone else but i wont be buying any more SP equipement if this is what they are gonna do to the sport that they have made a fair bit out of all ready.
Im just wondering if a stance made by everyone in the industry from players to promoters to other companys where by a total ban on all SP equipment either being sold in shops , advertised in magazines shown in trade shows at tourneys and let them know that for paintball to move forward we need the unity of all companys and not one company putting a strangle hold on the sport i love and enjoy just so they can make a quick buck out of other peoples hard work and R&D cos they cant keep up with everyone else!!!
Will be interseting to see if people do take a stance against SP cos its the only way to hurt them in the pocket cos if this goes through then ALL our pockets are gonna get stung and paintball will disappear for good!!

I shall now get off me soap box and start burning SP products in protest

evil sharks matt

Jan 6, 2003
this is seriously wrong, I have always respected smart parts as a company and thought highly of their products. I like the guys at smart parts but im never buying anything from them again


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Originally posted by djmatt
this is seriously wrong, I have always respected smart parts as a company and thought highly of their products. I like the guys at smart parts but im never buying anything from them again
I'll second that :)