Originally posted by NulodPBall
Hey Mak D,
I know you probably won't want to hear this, but you just kinda do it. I'm way too busy running for my bunker and trying to predict if the shooter is adjusting to my path (it's not always the straightest path) to worry about style. My main worry aside from path and getting shot is whether I picked the right touchdown spot...yes, at the World Cup I have slid past my bunker (darn paint...why do they put so much of it on MY side of the bunker), and I have also hit a dry patch (I was on my knees at the time so I just flipped forward, slammed my face into the ground and had my hopper beat me to my bunker as I quickcrawled forward, pushing my mask with my face). Of course, you've already walked the field and marked your spots so you know when you're supposed to hit the ground and sometimes you need to go down early and you know you're going to come up short so a quick crawl is a part of your plan. I know when I've been doing superman's most of the day 'cause I end up with "owie's" on my elbows, and it doesn't seem to matter what elbow pads I wear, I tend to hit the ground hard...sometimes shooting my mirror. I do my best to not hit my elbows, I try to land on my chest but I never really end up the way I want 'cause I stop thinking when the whistle blows. At one World Cup, I was guesting on a team so my old teammates had a chance to watch me and they were making fun of me...I had a bit of a potbelly at the time and they said that I bounced three times before I hit my bunker on the showtape, and that I had a dirtplug in my barrel but never even noticed 'cause I shot it out and kept shooting as I was trying to supress the two on my tape from a stupid laydown carrot.
I have an old teammate (he worked the other tape) that would actually throw his gun so it hits his bunker before he does when he was worried about making it.
Anyway, it seems like if you run faster, you get more owies but everything kinda happens on its own better. Oh, I just remembered that I have to wear Croakies on my glasses 'cause when I do hit the ground hard, my mask has a tendency to come down off my face and take my glasses with them. I can usually push my mask back up into place without anyone noticing, but it's really hard to shoot if your glasses have flipped around backwards up against your eyeballs...hard to adjust them also without a ref noticing.
As for landing on your side...ouch! I've done that accidentally and it hurts! Same for putting your hand down unless you can avoid digging your elbow in. Sometimes a slap with your hand helps if the ground is hard...you can kinda keep your body going. It really sucks if the ground is made up of hardened dirt clods and you have little ridges. On grass, especially if the ground is soft from moisture, I don't even worry about landing. The landing is very soft.
Whatever you do, don't get into an unexpected "bannana roll" where your legs kinda it the ground first, and hard enough to kinda roll you along your hips, to belly, to face so you end up with your feet in the air...not exactly the best of positions to be in as people are shooting at you.
Also, when playing with another team, kinda make VERY CLEAR where everyone else is going. It can be a little rushed just before the whistle blows but one time I told someone I was going to bump his bunker then shoot across to the tape, and as we were running, he didn't run fast enough so we were bumping shoulders then as he went down, his feet went into the AIR so as I tried to jump over him, my feet tangled in his and I landed facefirst in the open. I lay there for a second, amazed that I wasn't shot, then scrambled to my bunker. The backman shooting my lane mentioned later that it seemed to take a long time for me to make my bunker, he didn't see the fall, LOL.
Ray "I fall alot" N.