I was in the team that reached the final and then lost to the better team.
So please do not imply that it was sour grape's on our part why Rob said what he did when he collected our trophy.
When he mentioned the "****ty marshaling" it was his opion of what he saw during the day - Is this forum only for singing praise and licking the arse's of the midland masters.
I suspect blakey and his crew would never attain the type of event they want if you all just lick arse all the time.
Now first of all let's be honest and put my cards on the table I am the ultimate of all series 2002 events so I suppose we are kinda rivals of the midlands masters but let state quite clearly it's RIVALS not ENEMYS.
A lot of people came up to me yesterday asking what this rule was about and what that rule is ect ect but when blakey plays our events players will ask him (but I do know the rules)

sorry blakey could'nt help that.
They was right when they said he would'nt get away with that at our event's when we all watched a player threaten the marshal on field three and it's true, But what about the player who was playing with a fully auto marker there was many safety issues that seamed to get ignored like people firing in the "safe" area and others.
Let me also say that the marshaling on field four was in my opinion was to a very high standard.
I saw to many ref's flat on the floor on one field and on another it's right about the ref's on another field not wanting to go anywhere on the field but try and marshall from the side but the quote off the day I will leave to the ultimate on field one (Names have been witheld to protect his total embarrasment)
When asked about not taking a player out who was shot while being sent back for moving on a neutral player his reply " How am i supposed to know all the rule's"
As to the sight it is going to be fantastic but what would have happend if it started to rain yesterday.
Tracey in a previous post say's we will try to make another event later in the year well let me say I will be quite happy to attend any future events and I also hope those of you who have only played the midlands masters try series 2002 as well it's not always a case of - better the devil you know.
So on a footnote good luck to blakey and the rest of the midlands masters crew and see you all soon and mark was quite right when he said nobody play's until the marshals turn up so show some RESPECT the next time you play.
PS Play series 2002 it rocks big time