Could you possibly be any lazier? Small wonder the MS take advantage.still more points then we play in millenium. anyone know the price for it aswell? i bet you its cheaper aswell........
It would be great if someone had a piece of software that kept track of what events people played and how well their teams did and let you use that data to control who could be on a particular roster. And wouldn't it be great if such a system could tell you which players were Pros? I wonder where you could find such a thing........As I've always said, the aim of reducing sandbagging is admirable but the system as they've laid it down is too inflexible. What they have now helps nobody, and simply leads to lots of players who can't play and teams who can't field a full squad. Beaker's division lock rather than roster lock suggestion is the simplest and most effective solution.
I would like to see a "points" system, where a team gets a certain number of points to spend on players, which would allow a certain amount of flexibility in fielding players from different divisions, but it would be complex to administer and police, which pretty much rules it out unless a third party were contracted to do it (which inevitably would cost more money.)
With or without contracts?keka said:Divisional lock is good but the Millennium has to back the team owners when it comes to players leaving teams and wanting to play for other teams.