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Justin Owen

American BadAss
Jul 10, 2001
Kenner, LA USA
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The REAL Dream Team

I'd like to first say, in case anyone didn't know this, that the first human embryo has recently been cloned. This new technology could open up all kinds of new avenues for the creation of dream teams. That being said, since BOTH of you freakazoids are clueless, I'll clue you in to what would be the World's ultimate dream team:

Justin Owen in da' back
Justin Owen clone #1 in da' back
Justin Owen clone #2 in da' middle
Justin Owen clone #3 in da' middle
Justin Owen clone #4 in da' middle
Justin Owen clone #5 in da' front
Justin Owen clone #6 in da' front

There...that should get some discussion going.


Well-Known Member
Okay, Owen, I laugh at a lot of your stuff, but that was by far the funniest yet.

Quick bonus question for Pete and TJ. Did Russian Legion ever go by the name Street Fighters? I don't recall the year, '97 or '98, but we had a Russian team at the NAAPSA World Championships named Street Fighters. They all shot Angels, and they were tough. Totally different people?

I feel left out, you guys do all your debating while I'm at work.
>>>"OK here we go with the final nail,"

Dude, I ain't getting in that coffin yet...

>>>"Secondly, the Legion basically taught themselves, their melting pot of experience was none other than Russia itself (hardly the hotbed of paintball), they developed their techniques from reading PGI and particularly the articles I wrote (Sergei Leontiev's words not mine). These guys are virtually self-taught with only infrequent outings to the Millennium as a test bed for their play.
So no giants in Russia to learn from that I can think of !! "

Which backs my point. Remember what I said about the Legion 'standing on the shoulders of giants'? Well they did - and you are certainly a mainstay of that as they themselves are only too happy to tell everyone. However, your ability and knowledge of the game did not come from a lightning bolt or a chat with he Almighty, but from experience. You played, you watched, you absorbed and you experimented. And where was your proving ground and classroom? The UK tourney scene...so the Legion learnt directly from that scene.

The fact that The Legion didn't get to play these people are neither here nor there...Kant didn't sit in the debating room with Socrates did he, he learnt from his writing.

>>>"The Turks were, sociable, drunken fun loving, totally unprofessional paintballers who never did a serious day's training in their lives, I think you would not contest one iota of that statement. The Legion however are, serious, hard-working, sober, professional proballers who train their nuts off 3 times a week. Just this piece of comparative information tells us all that no matter what era you select, the best generally comes from those who work hardest. "

Generally, but not always...there are mavericks like George Best and Jimmy Greaves, no? Well, The Turks were pball's mavericks.

>>>"And so to the last piece of the nail, Schwarzkopf would indeed win the battle of the generals were he to come up against Alexander and his army but his victory would be because of his superior hardware, so no comparative analysis could be effected anyway.
The modern day clash of Legion and Turks has the same weaponry and therefore is a common denominator and not a differential as it would be in the one sided battle of Schwarzkopf and Alexander.
So that hypothetical scenario falls flat on its face with no erroneous inference being drawn because the fight would not have been fair due to hardware differences. "

Puh-leeeeese grant me some intelligence. Did you REALLY think I was talking about an army with tanks, machine guns and air support taking on some guys with swords!!!???!!! Maybe I didn't clarify my point well enough; I was talking about strategic ability. All things being equal, Schwarzkopf would beat Alex cos he would have learnt from him and all who had gone before thru books, same as The Legion have done from you/PGI.

There are two points you've mentioned in the course of this discussion which are worthy of threads in themself, BTW...

1 - Tech differences. Do you really think there is so little difference between the hardware we use now and that of 5-6 years ago? I'd say that shooting an Adrenalin Angel or a Freeflow Cocker is streets ahead in every way of a Promagged Automag or standard Cocker from the mid-90s...anyone else who's been playing for a while wanna comment there?

2 - Cheating. As someone who's played a lot of woodland tournaments and a lot of arena one, I personally experienced and saw maybe 10 times the amount of cheating in the woods. And just imagine what you don't see, given the nature of woodland play. I ask again, do you seriously believe cheating is just as bad on Sup'Air fields??? Again, anyone who's had experience of both, jump in...


Bob Long

New Member
Sep 21, 2001
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I don't rightly understand all the fancy-dan words an all, but I do know we got ourselves a rootin', tootin' shootin' fight on our hands...yee-haw!

And I agree with the Owen cos he sho do got a purty mouth.

Time for some Cactus Crumble Soup and Possum Hash Pie..mmm.

Super Davey

In Scotland and Very Cold
Oct 26, 2001
Inverness at the moment
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Typical of me - start a good fight and then watch from a distance.

Robbo and TJ both have very good points all of them very longwinded and containing too many long words for someone like me to understand.

As pete once said to me and my team " you don't have the intellect"

Yes i do - it's connected to the computer on my desk.

I agree with Pete in that you can't compare apples and oranges, the game has moved on too far to make any realistic Judgement.

My original comment meant that Keith and John boy were two of the best players ever in the history of paintball. If you could translate their undoubted skills level over to the modern game they wouldn't stand a chance against most novice teams. If you could make them as good at sup'air as they were in the woods then the whole world would be a nicer place.

I haven't spoke to them both for ages but i was playing for the Turks before they folded and they quit for one reason.Cheating.

I would guarantee that the Russians would be their best mates if they were all still playing.

The Turks were Wildcards and characters totally opposite to the Russians we know at the moment.

P8ntballer Deathmatch - Cool idea

Andy Piper vs TJ Lambini Opinions please


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
Piper v TJ

Yep I am on for that.

I would bust some moves on his skinny vegetarian backside. I would make England proud.

TJ Lets get it on!


P.S Dave I am scared now he uses BIG words I only know a few!!!!!!

Village Idiot

Barking Mad Member
Jul 11, 2001
Costa del Eastbourne
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Interesting debate, although I can't understand why it needs to degenarate to insults and name calling.

Turks v Legion will always be difficult to predict. Take the Legion back to the days of the Turks, stick em in the woods, give em the same equipment and they would struggle I'm sure. Turks may have been laid back in their attitude to paintball, but on the field once the whistle went they were far from that.
Their fluid and unpredicatable way of playing and their field craft was a joy to watch and I for one learnt from watching them.

Had Turks carried on into the era of concept paintball, then who knows where they would have gone. By their standards, a long way methinks. Unfortunately, it was never going to happen, attitutes change, people move on etc etc.

Furthermore, I don't think that players today are any better at all, they may play different tactics but that has naturally evolved with the sport. That does not make them better players.
I saw many blinding players with blinding moves back then, moves that would make a concept tournie crowd roar today.