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Return of the King


New Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Maybe Europeans should just accept that Americans are better at everything. A team of all Brits is never going to consistently perform well against teams of all americans when Americans have a 5-to-1 advantage.

US teams are made up of the best players of 300 million. The best players of 60 million can't hope to compete. Maybe if you put together a team of the beest Europeans you'd have a chance, but then money is definitely an obstacle, as I doubt any European team would be able to put together the financing that allows the American teams to fly all over the place to practice.

Maybe if you managed to convince Doc to move to the contintent....

So far, Robbo has the best solution for top british paintball: Hire Russians.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Originally posted by Chicago
Maybe Europeans should just accept that Americans are better at everything.
Now that statement brought a smile to my face... the fact that as you typed it you probably actually believe it...

EDIT added...

Originally posted by Chicago
So far, Robbo has the best solution for top british paintball: Hire Russians.
Who have recruited players from the UK and around Europe which again emphasises the point that with the right level of $$$ behind a player they can do great things...

Also do I not see ex legion players showing up in the NXL? If Yanks are so superior and have such a high level of talent in there country to cherry pick from would that not negate the need to recruit from abroad? :)


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Jan 31, 2005
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Nah, the "Americans are better at everything" was just a friendly rub. We're horrible at football, for example.

As for the Russians, that's exactly my point: They're successful precisely because they recruit good players from outside the country, and because they have ASTOUNDINGLY great funding.

So if you're NOT going to recruit top players from outside britain, you're going to need even MORE astounding funding than the russians have if your going to overcome that disadvantage.

Which is what I was trying to get at - not that a Brit can't be as good at paintball as an American, but that a "British" team will never stand a chance against teams from the states unless they're willing to recruit talent from outside Britain. The American talent pool is just too much bigger than the British one.

It's just like girls teams, to take a more extreme example. They all suck. Do they suck because women can't play paintball? No. They suck because 95% of tournament players are men, and the best of 95% will kill the best of 5% any day of the week.

Super Fly

Nov 8, 2004
we have the players in the UK to be contenders of the big titles, its just they are spread around UK teams and a few have now gone elsewhere like russia n america etc


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Dec 2, 2003
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Originally posted by Chicago

As for the Russians, that's exactly my point: They're successful precisely because they recruit good players from outside the country,
How many of the foreigners have actually played for RL in major tournaments? More than 2 (mike-o and Max who has been guesting fom them)?


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Dec 2, 2003
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Originally posted by Super Fly
we have the players in the UK to be contenders of the big titles, its just they are spread around UK teams and a few have now gone elsewhere like russia n america etc
..zzzzz..How many times have I heard this before...zzzz...


People's Supermod
Sep 18, 2003
Chicago (South Side)
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yeah, the 'great British Hope' team have never really materialised since the Preds back in the day, and thats kinda like bringing up winning the World Cup in '66 in my opinion.

Robbo had something going with Nexus, but it fell apart last year unfortunately. I still think Ledz and Robbo are definitely the right guys to make a UK team that can do well, but perhaps Nexus lack sufficient fiunding themselves, which would explain Pete's long awaited return to the boards.
Is it born out of a frustration he is feeling as he strives to fulfil his ambition of coaching a Brit team to the top of the NPPL, and possibly the jealous twangs he no doubt gets when he looks at his US counterparts such as XSV. I think thats probably the rub of it.

Thye UK does need an SC village, there is no doubt about that, but it also needs players willing to drive 3 hours to get there. There are 1000's of players that will drive that kind of distance and more to train at SC. The Brits don't like driving more than 30 minutes down the road without there being talk of 'petrol money', 'missing the footie' or of course, 'what if it's raining'.
The other problem is that the guys with the outstanding talent are not necessarily the guys that have the committment to turn up to practice. There are not enough captains with the personell skills to hold together a team of ego's which, lets face it, is what the majority of great paintball teams are.
The talented yet troublesome players get cut, fall out with everyone on the team, and then go play for someone else, forcing the talent to spread accross several teams rather than being concentrated. Not a problem if you have an abundance of talent to replace them with, but there isn't.

Shockwave, Tigers and Nexus are a classic example. How many of the guys on these teams have played for more than one of the trio in thier careers?


New Member
Jul 11, 2004
Birmingham/west midlands
This may answer a few questions


Do the maths
More money in = more money for the bigger teams under sponsors???

Where in the UK can you hire a field for $10 or £10 a head for training, as you can in the US with air refills and all bunkers up ready to go?
Open up more cheap training fields and let teams on them and you will see the difference, in the way we play.

I/We as a team find it hard going to pay for the tourneys let alone the added expense of the training, and as for finding money outside of the sport, what a joke.
I/We play for the fun of it. Just as well we suck.

How much time and money dose the average team in the UK spends in a season, at the tourneys and training, and then compare that to a US team, bet their bills are far less, and the time greater.

Money makes the world go round and helps the paint fly.
And that’s my 2p worth.


am member
Dec 12, 2001
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the effort

to be honest we are trying very hard, We regualry .travel 3 hours to train but i agree vet few english teams go to the effort.But some teams will do anything regardless.
i would love to see a english team rippig it up in the states but i doubt it will happen until money is there to unite the scene.