I sympathise with you mate.
I live on the isle of man. I'm not too bad cause there are two teams here and we train together. However the boys before us, EPOCH had to buy their own sup air field.
the only site on the island your allowed to play paintball is a woodball site with no area big enough to play sup air. So we have to rely completely on a really sound guy who lets us set up a field on his land and play.
This can happen once a month, however in the winter months his land cant really be played on as we'd tear it up and as its grazing land for his horses we can't do that. so off season we dont get to train at all unless we wanna pay £60 each to get on a boat and travel for four hours just to be able to get to a training field. then we've got to pay to train as well.
All this so once a month we can spend nearly twelve hours on ferry, car and departure lounge so we can play a tourney.
This however is all beside the point, the guy that owns the woody field lets us train there for free. which is really sound of him. couldn't thank him enough. It means we can do snap shooting drills and other things once or twice a month.
yeah we've gotta marshall but we have a great laugh doing that so its not really a bind.
anyway all this gets off the point because we're discussing ways in which we as non americans can compete with the americans at this sport we love. I'm under no illusion that I'll be able to do this myself. I'm 27 and have only played in three tourneys. I play for fun. However as a fan of the game I would love to see british teams competing at the top level with a reallistic chance of sticking it to the americans. I also beleive a couple of the young players in my team have the potential and time to develop into very good players with a chance of competing at the top. They just need a chance.
The youth thing is key in my opinion. but it all needs a lot of work from people with a long term view of our game. I've just never met anyone in england who is like this in the game. So where do our kids train and become better players.
it falls back to the funding and in the right areas. companies of course are gonna take the deals that make them more money. hence the deals going to novice teams like mine who are prepared to spend the moola in their store. Its business.
However what if some of the big players in the UK like WDP just put an annual fund into a training academy. There would still be money coming back from that and any future teams spawned from the academy would obviously be using WDP gear. on top of this, imagine the PR potential for WDP. the unselfish act of investing into the long term future of our game here in the uk. They'd certainly go up in my estimation and it certainly wouldn't do their brand any harm
Anyway I've ranted enough. its a big what if but hey, I'm a dreamer. (imagine, John Lennon. LOL