can someone please answer this, why does this this thread exist and post like this? is it to humiliate a ''certain rental site''. in my view whats the point, i've read on this post and heard from different people '' why isnt u.k paintball as big as the u.s paintball'' and why isnt the u.k paintball industry growing?'' ist's simple and its becuase you guys won't let it! whyall this bitching, why all this hatred? who really cares which is the worst paintball site OR who pulls in the most punters/profit! As the owners of some of the best/most popular paintball organisation's in the u.k, i personally think instead of bitching and bringing each other down, you all should try to work together or atleast try and help the u.k paintball scene to grow!
p.s gup's u fought well, and i have great respect for you, for not just your talent for playing/working and for putting up alot of **** and backing your corner well,especially as your on your own against sooooo many. (is that bullying
can someone please answer this, why does this this thread exist and post like this? is it to humiliate a ''certain rental site''. in my view whats the point, i've read on this post and heard from different people '' why isnt u.k paintball as big as the u.s paintball'' and why isnt the u.k paintball industry growing?'' ist's simple and its becuase you guys won't let it! whyall this bitching, why all this hatred? who really cares which is the worst paintball site OR who pulls in the most punters/profit! As the owners of some of the best/most popular paintball organisation's in the u.k, i personally think instead of bitching and bringing each other down, you all should try to work together or atleast try and help the u.k paintball scene to grow!
p.s gup's u fought well, and i have great respect for you, for not just your talent for playing/working and for putting up alot of **** and backing your corner well,especially as your on your own against sooooo many. (is that bullying