I've spoken to the head of the ticket sellers at IPG. Yes IPG do sell for other, non-DF sites. Combat is a site that IPG sell for, so that's kosher. I'm not sure what the stance is on selling tickets door to door in halls of residence if someone lets them in? I've mentioned this to the VIP man too. Regardless of anyones high pressure sales techniques, they cannot FORCE anyone to buy the tickets, just say 'no thanks', 'f++k off' or shut the door in their face! TBH, i wouldn't imagine students would find it hard to say no to a salesperson, the usual excuse 'i'm skint' should work

The tickets they are selling have been updated recently. they are now printed with a 7 day cool-off period. If a purchaser is unhappy with the tickets, having had time to read the small print, they can contact IPG and get a refund. A pushy, lying salesperson really doesn't have a lot to gain nowadays.