I never had a problem keeping my kit in halls or with security (just finished my first second year so not in halls anymore)
Plus you'd be surprised how much you can cram into your room when you want to, so room prob won't be a problem. I managed to get my full marshall guitar stack in my room in halls much to the discust of everyone living around me.
Also some of the rooms in the halls at Nottingham trent Polly....sorry uni are quite big. I had some mates that went their and one of them had a huge double room to himself Which halls you in?
In responce to the tax thing, the idea of going to uni is to get a better paid job (if you do a propper degree), the more you earn the more tax you pay. So theoreticaly we should pay all the money back/more through tax later on. Until then you'll be pleased to know you tax money funded me a nice new shiney Eclipse cocker
Plus you'd be surprised how much you can cram into your room when you want to, so room prob won't be a problem. I managed to get my full marshall guitar stack in my room in halls much to the discust of everyone living around me.
Also some of the rooms in the halls at Nottingham trent Polly....sorry uni are quite big. I had some mates that went their and one of them had a huge double room to himself Which halls you in?
In responce to the tax thing, the idea of going to uni is to get a better paid job (if you do a propper degree), the more you earn the more tax you pay. So theoreticaly we should pay all the money back/more through tax later on. Until then you'll be pleased to know you tax money funded me a nice new shiney Eclipse cocker