Originally posted by JoseDominguez
Ok then........ you can buy a decent second hand kit for £400 and play a tournament for about £60............. what level of motorsport can you get for that? Scalextric?
In Sweden we got something called 'Folkrace' where you compete with junk cars. It's very popular. If you win and someone want's to buy your car for a amount of what I think is accually less then £400, think it is something like 5000sek, then you have to sell it!
Scalextrix, that's expensive
Originally posted by JoseDominguez
When I say industry, I mean everyone who makes a living at paintball, not just the big companies......... how many sites could run pump and make enough profit to stay afloat?
Sure they can, you said it yourself but as a negatiation. Attract more players. People at a site doesn't just buy ball, they buy markers, something to eat, a jersey and so on.
We did have several parks in Sweden when all with pump markers when the semis was forbidden here.
Originally posted by JoseDominguez
break it down...... one player say £15 hire fee and 1000 balls... so around £80 total using a semi....... as opposed to £15 and 100 balls so £22 [...]
Sure let's break it down shall we.
First let's set the amount of balls straight. When I worked at a site and rented out markers the average Joe Smoe used 300 balls when the semis arrived the amount raised to 500.
People have a fair limit of what they think is enough to spend on a weekend activity. We charged approximately the same amount for 300 balls back then as we do for 500 balls today, the balls have become cheaper.
And now to our marginals, that's what counts.
The markers are very soon paid for (5 or 6 rents) so the profit from renting out a marker is the same. Let's say 15£.
Now to the balls we sell them for 0.7 sek and buy them for 0.3 that makes a 0.4 sek per ball in profit 120 sek or about 7-8£ that makes 22£ down the pocket for a pump rent.
and 27,5£ for a semi rent.
So the profit for a pump rent is 22£ and for a semi rent 27.5£
the big difference is how much we charge the customers, 28£ for a day with a pump and 37£ for a semi day.
(I don't work with this anymore so the figures are based on comparision)
If you can attract just 1,5 times as many people by renting out pumps then you will make more total profit to your park. Don't just count the balls.
Of course as you wrote this wont happen becouse as people wan't the money quick so if they can attract 1.5 times as many people they'll just go semis with them, charge the hell out of them and lose the opportunity to have them come back again and again and agian.