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PSP's new 15 BPS rule

Nick Brockdorff

New Member
Jul 9, 2001
While I can agree....

....it's not beneficial to the sport that anyone can walk into a Wal-Mart or something and buy a full auto paintball marker.... I really don't see how the PSP could regulate that?

PSP regulates...... wait for it..... PSP ;)

Anyhow - to us prissy Europeans - it is immensely more troubling that you can go into a Wal-Mart in some states and buy a shotgun off the rack.... so what do we know? ;)



New Member
Jan 31, 2005
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It's a matter of standards. If PSP and NPPL all said 'No markers manufactured with full-auto modes permitted", that'd be that.

Or the insurance companies, for that matter.


Originally posted by Furby
Which begs the question, why haven't they?
I'm probably being thick here, but haven't we just gone round in a big circle?

I thought the answer was patently 'Because it's not possible'. Isn't that what started all this in the first place?


Naughty Paintball God
Mar 28, 2002
Norman Park, Georgia
You lost me...it's not possible for the Insurance people to use the ASTM standards as their own for assessing risk?

It's not possible for the NPPL or PSP to flat out say "No Enhanced Modes/FA" and then enforce it?

It's not possible for the manufacturers to forego putting said modes on their boards?

Perhaps if you substituted the word "Unwilling" for "Patently Impossible"...

Granted, I know enforcement would be a bear to implement and maintain, that's a given...but I submit that it's possible...just expensive, time consuming, and annoying.


Originally posted by Furby

It's not possible for the NPPL or PSP to flat out say "No Enhanced Modes/FA" and then enforce it?

Sorry Furbs, I meant this one...to my understanding, having talked to people who know far more about this than I do, it is currently impossible to satisfactorily enforce a no enhanced modes rule. That's what was referring to.


New Member
May 21, 2004
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Ya know this thread reminds me of the artical " Semi-auto will ruin our sport" this artical was in Paintball Sports International about 1989 or 90 i have the mag still ill see if i can dig it up and scan it.But it gose on about how semi auto will ruin the sport by injuring players with too many shots to head and drive the cost of the game beyond the players ability to pay for it and so forth.I feel this is just the evolution of our sport nothing more just like when we went from 12-gram to consant air remeber the big question of how many of us will die over filling bottles??? and then when we went from CO2 to compressed air same thing all over again.Now im all for the 15bps limit for it has slowed the markers way down to a managable point to where its a even playing field for all.Notice that Oakland Assasins and Trauma are not fairing too well why??? they cant out shoot the oposition anymore now its who is the better team with better tactics time now.So hate or love it bottom line is it equals the playing field period.


Nick Brockdorff

New Member
Jul 9, 2001
My major concern.....

.....still is that with enhanced firing modes being legal in the US - and not in Europe (not talking paintball rules here - but law of the lands)..... With the PSP and NPPL moving to "15 BPS and anything below FA goes"... it will start to create a division in the sport, that will grow year by year.

A couple of years down the road, the techniques applied by the players on the fields will be very different in Europe and the US, and it will be equally hard for US teams to go to Europe, and for European teams to go to the US, as teams will be fish out of water because techniques and tactics vary greatly.

This is not a question of whether allowing enhanced firing modes will "ruin the game" to me (if it was legal in Europe, I would be all for the PSP rule being implemented) - it's a question of the sport deepening the divide between Europe and the US, and creating a situation where crossing the Atlantic will become increasingly difficult.

I think it's quite brainless for the PSP and NPPL to take that route - IF either of them envision paintball being a global, unified sport in the future... because ONLY "true semi-auto" i LEGAL in Europe..... and it will be years before European paintball has the organisations that can pressure lawmakers to change that (if ever).
