As I understand it Dave's shareholding of the PSP and ownership of PBA are entirely separate from Dye Precision and his personal property holdings and whatever financial malaise they may be in and are not mentioned in the court/bank papers ad a lien against Dye's debts. However, should Dye go 'pop' then the PSP will loose one of it's larger sponsors, as will the webcast.
As we all know, 'Mericans' are stupid (present company excused) and any thread on PBN (or any of the US based Facebook groups) just descends into a clusterfest of name calling, stupidity and pointless memes! One has to sift the news and informed opinion from this like dredging for scallops.
I really can't see PSP extending it to all equipment across all divisions*, that would be just bad business sense and impossible to police, after all, how could a field ultimate be expected to deduce if a player had bought his socks from Target, Wallmart or Dicks? Hoe would the PSP survive if it shut out all the smaller companies/vendors. World Cup especially would look desolate!
I was effected by the decisions they made in 2012 regarding media access and the tenfold increase in fees associated, Fortunately through connections I still managed to get the access I required at Cup in '12 and '13. I understood some of the logic behind the move, but thought the application too draconian and discovered it was weighed in the favour of PBA and certainly reduced the coverage of teams and players on the Divisional fields by imposing a levy on team deals that most simply could not afford!
Back to Dye, the official line seems to be that they are "just changing banks" and there is nothing to worry about!
I've been proved wrong before, I very much expect I will be again at some point in the future