From a 'nobody' point of view.... the promoters dont care about the players.. teams.. prizes... only the bottom line.
Why should they.. we want to play tourney ball, in whatever format, against other 'seeded' tourney teams.
They provide the outlet for us to do that, the organisation, the fields (or use of), the traders and stands and burgers that make the event work.
Easy isn't it.... and we pay an entrance fee to be able to partake with the other teams in the event.
You don't like the cost... the organiser... the prize money.... the PGI photographer.. the teams... whatever... you don't have to go...
There is always Rec-ball.
The Organisers are unlikely to care because if you drop out and there is another line of wannabe tourney teams there to take your place.
This is forgetting that these people (Organisers) need to make an income.
The problem with our sport is its new, relatively, and extremely new on a tourney level. There hasnt been time for many leagues to form and become successful, for a standard formet to be agreed, for the pie to be cut fairly.
Players are little fish, the pond is small, and the big fish wont change on the say so of hundreds of little fish. They know the little fish breed fast enough for them to keep eating us.
The only way to get the big fish's attention would be... Start your own league, deal with the site owners, traders, burger vans, ring PGI and get the bloke with a camera down, sort the paint, air, rules, fields, marshals, legalities, contact the top teams, get them to come, play and rave about your league and the fairness of the entry fee vs prizes.....Easy Peasy
or maybe just pay the entry fee and let the big fish worry about all the other stuff so you can play competitive paintball because lets face it you, I and the big fish know we have no other option.