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prize money in the Millennium

Nick Brockdorff

New Member
Jul 9, 2001
Warren - cheap cop out there :D

When you write all that stuff about how great a job you do at organising your event compared to the MS - you MUST have a basis for comparison - financially?

If you do not want to go public, please e-mail me - I really want to understand this stuff ;)



Active Member
Dec 2, 2003
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Nick Brockdorff said:
I have twice been involved with trying to start a players union, and twice I have failed... and I am now resigned to the fact that as long as the MS doesn't do anything that REALLY outrage the majority of the players... most are content to bitch about stuff online - and often anonymously - and then leave it alone....... which is exactly why things will ALWAYS be controlled by the promoters in this sport... never the players.
That's because for most paintball is a hobby, even for the tournament and pro players. Who wants his/her hobby to be a bothersome 2nd job? Bitching online is sooo much easier and requires no effort. People will act when the decisions affect their financial income, that's why there are powerful players associations in real professional sports.

Setting up a board for team representatives could be a good start, maybe people would participate as it wouldn't require too much effort. And then you could start working your way up to form a real players association.

tiger jedi

New Member
Apr 4, 2004
South Coast Baby!
Nick Brockdorff said:
Warren - cheap cop out there :D

When you write all that stuff about how great a job you do at organising your event compared to the MS - you MUST have a basis for comparison - financially?

If you do not want to go public, please e-mail me - I really want to understand this stuff ;)


Sorry Nick this slipped my mind. If you want to know anything about the workings of a "Big" event then feel free to ask any questions, i will tell you anything you need to know in my knowledge but do it via email its much more professional;) :D

Nick Brockdorff

New Member
Jul 9, 2001
but do it via email its much more professional
But much more boring.... an once I put the information up here - everyone will know who gave it to me anyway :p

Quit stalling dude :D

- The object of this whole exercise is, that once everyone can see - in "ball park figures" - how much the promoters earn on us consumers per event, compared to how much they pay out in prizes.... people will either think it is fair, and this whole debate is put to rest once and for all... or people will be outraged - and that will then generate an effect which is positive for the teams in the long term.

Now, I have a pretty good idea what the income is - but I need someone to step up and put numbers to the expenses.


Monkey Apocalypse

up a tree 'punter huntin'
Apr 19, 2006

From a 'nobody' point of view.... the promoters dont care about the players.. teams.. prizes... only the bottom line.

Why should they.. we want to play tourney ball, in whatever format, against other 'seeded' tourney teams.

They provide the outlet for us to do that, the organisation, the fields (or use of), the traders and stands and burgers that make the event work.

Easy isn't it.... and we pay an entrance fee to be able to partake with the other teams in the event.

You don't like the cost... the organiser... the prize money.... the PGI photographer.. the teams... whatever... you don't have to go...

There is always Rec-ball.

The Organisers are unlikely to care because if you drop out and there is another line of wannabe tourney teams there to take your place.

This is forgetting that these people (Organisers) need to make an income.

The problem with our sport is its new, relatively, and extremely new on a tourney level. There hasnt been time for many leagues to form and become successful, for a standard formet to be agreed, for the pie to be cut fairly.

Players are little fish, the pond is small, and the big fish wont change on the say so of hundreds of little fish. They know the little fish breed fast enough for them to keep eating us.

The only way to get the big fish's attention would be... Start your own league, deal with the site owners, traders, burger vans, ring PGI and get the bloke with a camera down, sort the paint, air, rules, fields, marshals, legalities, contact the top teams, get them to come, play and rave about your league and the fairness of the entry fee vs prizes.....Easy Peasy

or maybe just pay the entry fee and let the big fish worry about all the other stuff so you can play competitive paintball because lets face it you, I and the big fish know we have no other option.


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Guy with all the fish

The good thing about players forming a lobbying group is that the league may begin to see the potential costs in the long-term if they fail to change. Sure as we all know they have the monopoly now and people have to chew the bricks the sell, but if the same situation exists when a rival shows up then their ignorance will cost them big time. People will have no loyalty to the league if their demands have been ignored, so it would make more sense to listen now rather than when it's too late.

You are right about the power they have, but that is still dependant on the competition free environment they enjoy right now. I guess it depends if they are the frog that sits in heating water and slowly boils to death, or the one that sees what's coming and gets the hell outa the bowl...The whole point is that enough voices can hopefully shift the myopic attitude.


I don't get this whole need for some kind of transparency as to how much promotors 'earn off players'. Personally I think that is just going to make them put more walls up. If people are forced to justify a price then they will find a way to justify it...Won't creating some kind of 'outrage' just further alienate the players from the organisers?...

Monkey Apocalypse

up a tree 'punter huntin'
Apr 19, 2006
House Bricks Ahoy

I agree that eventually they may find themselves spitting the bricks they are currently making us eat, however, Players consortiums, Captains lobby groups and similar revolutionary tactics rarely work...

Evolution is a far better persuader, and sadly the age of paintball as a sport is the determinant factor here.

There has been little time for the sport, competitively especially, to evolve. More competition (within competitive paintball) will force the big fish to rethink, either that or new blood within the organisations.

I also agree that a players lobby (not like at the front of the organisers mansions) should be listened to and be able to make a difference, and perhaps in time it will.

For now, be satisfied that there is a tourney scene, and enjoy it for what it is.

The road is long and treacherous, evolution not revolution. :cool:

Good luck and give the big boys a poke from me

Nick Brockdorff

New Member
Jul 9, 2001
You don't like the cost... the organiser... the prize money.... the PGI photographer.. the teams... whatever... you don't have to go...
I don't get this whole need for some kind of transparency as to how much promotors 'earn off players'.
You guys should have a look through sports history.

Any major sport have been through growing pains, where the "pie slices" have been adjusted in size through pressure from the part that felt theirs was not big enough.

Ours (the teams') MIGHT be big enough... I would just like to know.

I you guys prefer blissfull ignorance... be my guest ;)

Saying "you don't have to go" is just about as clever a solution as saying "you don't like the government - don't vote...."


Monkey Apocalypse

up a tree 'punter huntin'
Apr 19, 2006
I see your point Nick, but 'don't vote' isn't what I am saying... the political spectrum gives alternatives...

Currently paintball gives few if any at a top tourney level... so perhaps 'voting with feet' is the only option...

I dunno, dont pretend to, just mixing the pot... any answers are going to lead to more questions.

we need choice, but where and whom from??