Hiya Robbo, I had a chuckle at your earlier comment about women shouldn't be playing paintball... didn't you know the 'females in paintball movement' is all an evil global plot solely to get your back up
Originally posted by Robbo
Ya know Gups, and with no disresepct intended, I don't think your final comment regarding 'medical guidlines' is at all appropriate and is also miselading.
Firstly, whether or not a woman plays whilst she is pregnant is a decsion that should be made by her and her physician, each case would be different and there could be no general allowances.
Secondly, just because a woman plays any sport whilst she is not pregnant does't and can't automatically allow her to play when she is, it's not as easy as that.
Paintball has many situations that can strain and pull muscles, including stomach and pelvic regions.
This not a good area to put under stress whilst pregnant, no matter how progressed the pregnancy is.
The 'medical guidelines' bit wasn't intended to mislead... it's in a booklet all preggy ladies get from their doc which suggests that, with their doctor's say-so, it's fine to continue playing a sport which they are used to playing regularly already. This is because the muscle groups used in that particular sport are already strengthened by the previous playing of that sport so no additional muscle strain is incurred by continuing to play it. A new sport would involve using new muscle groups and so strain would possible.
I have no idea what clinical conditions could erupt with a muliple shot to a confined area
Nor do i Robbo, which is my reason for originally asking what padding would be allowed for pregnant 'ballers, so that shots to that area would not pose a 'threat'.
but I know one thing, why take the chance?
(and in reply to others who have made a similar point...)
Drinking a cup of coffee, a glass of wine, smoking a cigarette, taking iron supplements or medicines, flying, listening to loud music, eating food additives, shelfish, eggs, etc etc all pose a minimal threat whilst pregnant. I don't see, with a doctor's permission and the bump adequately protected, that playing paintball should pose a greater threat than any of these...
There are some interesting and valid points an this thread.One question was asked 'how far pregnant' which i think is very relevent. As 'ParkRangers' said, sometimes you don't even know until the end of the first trimester (3 months). Throughout this time the foetus is completely protected by the pelvis. It's not until about 4 months that the top of the womb protrudes above the pelvis and becomes vulnerable. By 6-7 months the 'bump' would make playing paintball uncomfortable... so i guess i would be talking about the period between discovering one was pregnant and about 6 months-ish, or whenever the person in question felt they no longer could play.
Of course, soon after this we would have the need for a 'babychange/nursing mothers' tent at tournaments....