My Last Word on This !!!
I will try and keep my 'Placid' hat on here in answering some of this **** that has been written.
Baca, if we can't put people on a pedestal, after they have displayed time and again, they do not embrace the same predisposition to cheat like f##k as almost all the other pros do, then it has come to a sorry state.
I am not doing them any disservice, they are proud as much as I am heartened by their play, to ignore it in favour of what you would see as expediency, would be a crime indeed.
What would you have me do Baca, put some of your well known countrymen on a pedestal and then watch them cheat like **** as they go and play their games as we all have many times before?
Nah, that ain't gonna happen mate.
Now how many of the guys in this thread have talked to Sergei at length ?
Hmmm, not many if any !!!!!!
Most I would think, although not all, have seen them play on occasion, but how many are, what could be described as, well informed?
I doubt even one.
So, ignorance is alive and well and flourishing in this area, what we have is a situation where speculation, exaggeration and downright misinterpretation are rife.
What has been established by Fisu, is that there is a technical aberration that on occasion could predispose the gun to firing more than one shot per trigger pull (but certainly not all the time) if that gun is finely tuned.
That is 100% true !!!
But to cut thru all this crap, we need to assure ourselves of the following, did the RL design their guns to run full auto ?
I think we must all agree this is definitely not the case.
Did they knowingly play with them, when they knew them to be faulty and likely to shoot more shots than trigger pulls ?
The likes of Manike an Catcrap would have us believe there is no alternative other than to believe they did know.
Now who the hell are these guys to question the RL on the facts presented ?
As has already been mentioned, nobody could know for sure and yet Manike and Catcrap have already found them guilty.
Now, if we erroneously assume that just because they are proficient players, it naturally makes them proficient technicians and therefore they must have known their gun was liable to full auto, then I could ask, that somebody so technically able as Simon (Manike), then why isn't he on a pro team.
I mean, isn't that the same rationale !!!
It doesn't always follow that just because you are good in one area then you must be good in another.
I know **** about my gun, I just wanna pick it up, point it, and shoot Yanks, that's all I am interested in.
Some guys who are, shall we say, less able on the field, have to create a niche for themselves to gain some form of recognised expertise in this sport of ours, and good luck to them.
The point here is, I am giving the RL the benefit of the doubt, I am not automatically assuming they 'must' have known and therefore, in my opinion, they did not cheat in any way.
What enables me to make that decision, is the very point I made earlier, I have had extensive talks with Sergei, the others have not, I know what he and this team are about, the others in this thread have merely 'watched' them.
Some people love to knock others down, we have seen evidence of this many times before on this board, this in my opinion, is that phenomena just reappearing.
And Si, I'm afraid, your statements regarding your belief in the Russians being fair players and at the same time knowing their guns were liable to run full auto, are mutually exclusive.
You cannot maintain both standpoints at the same time, it is impossible and ludicrous and an offence to common sense.
Either you believe they are fair players and therefore did not knowingly bend the rules or you believe they cheated and thus are not fair players, stop fart-arsing about and say what you believe !!!!!
Anyway, I'm done on this thread and said all I have to, I know there will be a myriad of rebuttals, none of which are designed to further the cause of truth but are more inclined to further the cause of those who wrote them.
People who read these posts will make their minds up as they see fit, I just hate to see ill-informed posts and bias take up so much room on this board but Hey, WTF do I know !!!!
I will continue to extol the virtues of the Russian Legion because I believe they are the cleanest team we have to look up to.
Hang me for that and you hang any chance we have in paintball for hope of a cleaner game !!!!!!!