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Portugal let's here your views !!!!

Simon Malone

New Member
Nov 30, 2001
Hook, Hants
My second ever Millennium

and it was great, the weather was awesome couldn't have asked for better. Thanks to Diablo for the paint, I didn't break/chop a ball all weekend. JT for all the kit, i'm sure it'll come in usefull at some point:D

A huge thanks goes out to WDP for all of the work there top techs did on the Angels, we owe you guys big time:)

The hotel was out of this world, and i'm sure the chef won't forget Billy, Dan, Pete & Vince for quite some time;)

See you all at Mayhem

Simon, Backlash


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Originally posted by Robbo
Point 10, True they don't need this but please don't think for one minute these guys went on the field with the deliberate intention of running with guns that fired full auto, they did not !!!!!!!!
Many of the guns at this tourney were on the brink, not because of any intent to cheat but because they were so finely tuned.
The Russian Legion are the cleanest team in the World to my knowledge and to infer they deliberately cheated is an insult.
Pete, I also believe the Russian Legion to be a very clean team but I wonder how anyone can be so certain of their intentions?

This is a difficult one for me as I also have nothing but the largest respect for the Russian Legion and it took me a long time to word what I wanted to say in my report on www.warpig.com . And I know we talked about it over dinner but I feel it needs saying here also.


At what point does or does not highly tuning a gun become deliberate cheating? What difference is there in setting up a gun to to shoot Full Auto in an electronic mode as compared to finely tuning a gun such that it can get trigger bounce and fire in what is most definitely FA under the rules? Both are deliberate actions (selecting FA or tuning the gun). Both are illegal. Both are cheating. Both get the same penalty as we saw with the Russian Legion.

We as players have a responsibility to use equipment that fits within the rules. If we don't know the rules we can not use ignorance as an arguement.

If a player is shooting a gun which fires in such a way he damn well knows it. Since he should know the rules, he damn well knows he is cheating. If he gets caught he accepts the penalty.

I don't think it is as bad as software cheating (not sure why but I think that to be sneakier and despicable), but I do think it is deliberate cheating. If he thinks it's just pushing the rules, then again as soon as it gets caught or is deamed to have gone too far then it becomes cheating. They paid the price and showed they still had ability but they didn't need to have guns so 'finely tuned' to do that anyway in my opinion.



New Member
Nov 27, 2001
Istanbul - Turkey
Visit site
I don't know about the Russian Legion guns but I have seen some insanely fast markers on and off the field which made me think that tweaking guns triggers or firing modes(electronics) has become very common. Some guys have fingers like a vibrator OK, I accept that but I don't think most of the pballers today can not shoot that fast (Im talking about fast as at least 12-14sps and not momentarily) Now we all know that a electronics freak can setup up very cleverly placed switch which can activate such fast ROF on and off without ever getting noticed by the marshalls. I think that's why WDP decided to make the new IR3 boards encased in a temperproof box. I think all marker manufacturers should follow that, but then someone else will come with another cheating method...That's life:)


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
I setup the trigger pulls of some players warped ir3's in portugal and I had to keep changing the pull/adding some slack to it because you can so easily 'bounce' the trigger. Its quite fraustrating because an LCD with a similarly fine tuned trigger will not bounce that easily but the ir3 will just rip. Its not the players fault, the ruskies do have a top angel tech though and whoever setup the triggers would have known how easily they could bounce.
Im not saying that anything was intentional, maybe its just a case of being careless....what other excuse do they really have?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by manike

Pete, I also believe the Russian Legion to be a very clean team but I wonder how anyone can be so certain of their intentions?
This is a difficult one for me as I also have nothing but the largest respect for the Russian Legion and it took me a long time to word what I wanted to say in my report on www.warpig.com . And I know we talked about it over dinner but I feel it needs saying here also.
At what point does or does not highly tuning a gun become deliberate cheating? What difference is there in setting up a gun to to shoot Full Auto in an electronic mode as compared to finely tuning a gun such that it can get trigger bounce and fire in what is most definitely FA under the rules? Both are deliberate actions (selecting FA or tuning the gun). Both are illegal. Both are cheating. Both get the same penalty as we saw with the Russian Legion.
We as players have a responsibility to use equipment that fits within the rules. If we don't know the rules we can not use ignorance as an arguement.
If a player is shooting a gun which fires in such a way he damn well knows it. Since he should know the rules, he damn well knows he is cheating. If he gets caught he accepts the penalty.
I don't think it is as bad as software cheating (not sure why but I think that to be sneakier and despicable), but I do think it is deliberate cheating. If he thinks it's just pushing the rules, then again as soon as it gets caught or is deamed to have gone too far then it becomes cheating. They paid the price and showed they still had ability but they didn't need to have guns so 'finely tuned' to do that anyway in my opinion.
Simon, you also erroneously infer they cheated and yet neither of you (Canpap and yourself) have used a bit of common sense and this is an attribute that is needed most, in a case like this.
How the hell u can paradoxically believe they are clean and the next minute put forward an argument that suggests they cheat is beyond me.
Firstly, nobody and I mean nobody can know for sure whether it was intentional or not but you can say the following things:-
There may well have been a fault on these guns or rather a design weakness that when these guns are 'finely tuned' as you euphemistically put it, it enables the gun to fire, on occasion, at full auto.
Now if this is the case, it may or may not be apparent to the user as one of the guns was only found to be full auto, when the trigger was pulled hard over to the right and fired.
So, we have a problem of apportioning intent, that neither you nor me can say it was deliberate.
The next thing to look at, if we want to make a ‘valued’ judgement that is and not an ignorant one, is by assessing the overall character and behaviour of the team.
To this end, we have to look at how they conduct themselves on and off the field to try and gauge whether intentional cheating would be an extension of their existing behaviour.
Has anybody ever seen them cheat in any way, shape or form ?
The answer to that is NO, NO and NO again and yet you and Capnap ignore this, favouring the least common sense viewpoint of intentional cheating, leastwise that's what your post inferred.

Thirdly, the Russian Legion whilst playing in Germany, had a couple of guns pulled off the field and played men short after falling foul of this pre game checking, they knew what was in store with regard to the new regime and yet you try and tell me they ignored this in favour of intentionally setting up their guns to run full auto ?

You gotta be kiddin me and you also insult the good name of the Russians that they have tried over years of playing, to keep clean, and successfully so.

Instead of trying to make a cheap, quasi-sophisticated attack on a team who are models for us all, go after the real cheats of the game or would that be too hard for you ?
And you call yourself a reporter ?
Did ya ask Sergei what went down ?
Did you examine their guns ?
I would expect the answer to all three to be in the negative but you come on here spouting **** about them, you don’t even deserve to clean their barrels mate let alone accuse them of cheating.



doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
Originally posted by Robbo
Has anybody ever seen them cheat in any way, shape or form ?
Depends if an eliminated player leaving the field speaks to his back player on the way off, and throws his remaining full pots on the floor behind said back player? :eek:

The answer to that is NO, NO and NO again
Mayhem Masters - 2000, in that muddy field on the hill. See above.

Although I must say that is the only thing that could be seen as "dodgy" that I've ever seen the Legion do, and I don't know if that player stayed with the team after that - seen them play plenty other places/times, and they are (as Robbo says) probably the cleanest team out there.
Russian Legion

Having played them twice and watched them play countless times, Russian Legion never fail to amaze me... they are the best technical players in the world, there's no doubt about that. What happened in Germany was unfortunate, they lost players because they were over on the pre-game chrono and had to play short but what really disappointed me was the attitude from other players one Russian Legion had been penalised.

The talk in the bar that night was all 'Russian Legion, well they aren't as clean as everyone thought' and 'isn't it great to know that the Russians cheat' etc. etc. etc.... ONE incident like that and the outrage was ridiculous (this was, amoungst others, coming from top US teams who I personally have seen blaitantly cheat on more than one occasion).

After that kind of response in Germany I refuse to beleive that they would deliberately risked playing in Portugal with 'full-auto' markers, they just wouldn't be that stupid.

Ask yourselves this... how many times have you seen a Russian Legion player wipe, play on, or play outside of the rules when they think they can get away with it??? And then how many times have you seen other top pro teams wiping etc??? I don't know about everyone else but I for one have seen what is at best dodgy play from more pro teams than I can be bothered to name but not once (possibly bar the incident in Germany) from Russian Legion.

I think the only reason that Russian Legion get any bad press at all is because they are far and away the best team THAT PLAYS CLEAN in the world... and people don't like the fact that they aren't as good at playing clean.



SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Russian Legion are a true sports team, their whole approach to the game has to be admired, they got caught with gun setups that infringe the rules. So what! They took their punishment, played the rest of the tourney with 5 players (who played their god damn asses off!), end of story.
If the Russians have a problem with whatever another team is doing, they leave things to the judges, they dont bitch. Others should treat them with equal respect.


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
BEfore we continue this:

does anyone actually know 110% what happened.

I mean like speaking to Sergi, WDP, Millennium committee etc ????

I have heard about 5 different stories over the weekend ranging from "WDP set up their guns and they had 2 boards in them" to "it was just a very light tigger".

And regardless of what actually did or didn't go down the fact they got to Semi's (in 3rd spot no less) with only 5 players shows more about them than anything else.