Seeing the obvious...
Originally posted by duffistuta
OK, Headrock, questions for you...
1. Who supplied him with those weapons?
2. What does Iraq have to do with the World Trade Centre?
1)what difference does it make where he got them from??If he drops them on Britain are you gonna blame us??Stop shifting blame from where the real problem lies...
2)Umm lots...Al-Qaida prisoners in Gitmo have already confirmed chemical weapons training in Iraq..While not a direct link,we know Al-Qaida operates in Iraq and all we need is Saddam to give him a few liters of VX to make make Sept.11 look like a picnic..
Originally posted by duffistuta
The only thing that's obvious to me is that a load of bull**** gets spread around for why the west should attack Iraq, namely:
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
We don't know that he has them. And the USA also has weapons that are on the UN banned list. And the USA also gives UN inspectors the run-around. And the USA also ignores the UN when it feels like it.
YES we do know he has them..U.N. Resolution 1441 that was just passed by 15 nations says he has them and that he has to disarm..Where are you getting your information from??Go to the U.N. web page and read the resolution and then come back and tell me different...I think you might be a little disinformed on the situation at hand..
Originally posted by duffistuta
And what about our treatment of the Iraqis? 150,000 killed in the last war, 4,500 a month dying ever since down to sanctions...puts the Trade Centre in perspective a little on the numbers front.
Did we invade the soveriegn nation of Kuwait..Once again I never here you lay any blame on Saddam Hussien..Once again its are fault when someone else does something stupid..And you damn well know those sanctions could have been lifted at any time if Saddam complied..Ask yourself why he would give up $56 billion in oil revenue by not complying with sanction after the Gulf War..Could it possibly be because he's hinding something because I cant certainyly think of another reason...
His undemocratic rule
Originally posted by duffistuta
And let's not even start to talk about Israel here...
I wont because its probably one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard...In 96 the Palestinians were offered about 95% of what they said they wanted and turned it down..Now we all know what they really want is the complete annihalation of Israel..Ever notice that Israel only reataliates when a suicide bomber walks into a pizza shop and willingly kill innocent civilians..But I never hear you mention that...
Originally posted by duffistuta
Saddam's a nutjob
Yep, but then let's look at Dubya. Investigated for dodgy business dealings on 3 separate ocassions - fortunately for him the last one was thrown out of court on the say-so of a commitee headed by - wait for it - George's daddy. And let's not forget that this brave man who's so eager to go to war dodged the draft in '68.
Did you really just compare Saddam to Bush??Ill take a shady business deal any day over gassings,rape,torture,mutilation,and murder any day of the week..Please stop with the ignorant comments...
Originally posted by duffistuta
It's all about political expediency and oil. Lots of us are worried at the threat of terrorist attacks, but we think that going to war with Iraq - aside from being immoral - will only increase the risks of those attacks.
Once again your misinformed..France,and Russia all have been given gaurantees that thier oil dealings with Iraq will be honored after a post saddam Iraq...Iraq oil resevers run at about 3% of thier capabilities right now..It would take them about 10 to 15 years to get to levels that would benifit U.S interests..And whats to say a Democratized Iraq would give anything to the U.S..I remember liberating Kuwait and not getting a drop more than what we get from them now...You oil theories are a wash..And Duff,terrorists are going to strike whether or not we invade Iraq,and whether or not we resolve the Palestinian issue..They hate you,me and everyone else in the free world not like them...
Originally posted by duffistuta
If world logic now goes like this: Mr X is a psycho who may have weapons of mass destruction that he may use aginst us in the future, so let's off him now, then we should all be thinking about going to war with the US.
And I include the UK in the umbrella term of the US cos I don't see any difference between the two countries.
World logic shows those who use weapons of mass destruction for terror and death and not as deterants need to be dealt with swiftly and justly...Last timeI checked,we were the good guys..And I never heard any of you complain about regime change in Yugoslavia..Was it cause you all like d Clinton??Im really starting to believe its your hatred for Bush and Blair that are causing alot of the problem you have with this situation..
Originally posted by duffistuta
Don't think that those of us who don't want war don't see or understand the scale of the problem, we do - it's just the short-termist approach taken by the West only increases the likliehood that the Arab world and the rest will go to war in a major ****ing way.
Everyone knows that the Middle East question needs to be sorted out, and everyone with any intelligence knows that you have to start with Palestine...sadly, you've got a ****ing moron as a leader and so have we.
I believe the Palestine issue does need to be resolved but only after Hamas,Hezbollah,and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade find the time to stop murdering innocent people for thier enjoyment..Then maybe then can live side by side in relative peace..
And Duff,dont come running when in 3 weeks ,France and all our other Allies hop on for the ride...Once our Allies oil investments are all sorted out,we'll have a whole coalition of the willing knocking on Saddams door...