You gotta get off your arses
Well, this is what I need to know, we all agree, we can't just put tournament reports in for the sake of the people who attended, this would be just economic and journalistic madness.
That said, now we are in the process of, as a magazine and an industry, in trying to push this sport forward in all areas. Do you think that reporting on a tournament that was effectively held in a cow shed with facilities that verge on the archaic and dilapidated, is a good thing for the sport as a whole ?
Is this where we want to see UK paintball portrayed ?
Or do we wanna concentrate on events like the Campaign Cup, the 'Simply the Best' tournaments of Bully and Payney and so on ?
If I am wrong tell me please cuz I am beginning to believe I, and others in the magazine are living on another planet.
Now if these peeps want coverage of UK Events to the extent they want, then the answer is simple, join the UKPSF, go to Steve Bull and hi-jack his UKPSF publication and put them in there.
Eeeezzy Peeeezy Lemon Squeeezy !!!!
Let me know and address your answer to Robbo, Duff, Ant, Nick, Justin, Matt, Rab on Planet Uranus
Al, help me out here mate, this is the problem I got, u say the indoor has yet to be covered.Originally posted by Al Woods
I DO agree with some points about the lack of coverage. Birmingham indoor was a cool tourney and was well organised and the fields were awesome yet was never featured. The Diablo cup was a pretty big tourney up at Elsham in Jan, again, was not featured. It would be nice to see a regular spot for a couple of GOOD UK/European tourneys per issue but lets be honest here, how many of us has actually written about an event and sent the fella in?? Exactly.
Last month (or maybe the month before) I wrote an article about sweetspotting, IT GOT IN. This month Scutty from our lot wrote an article about playing back centre, IT GOT IN.
Does anyone see the pattern here??
You write, you read.
Well, this is what I need to know, we all agree, we can't just put tournament reports in for the sake of the people who attended, this would be just economic and journalistic madness.
That said, now we are in the process of, as a magazine and an industry, in trying to push this sport forward in all areas. Do you think that reporting on a tournament that was effectively held in a cow shed with facilities that verge on the archaic and dilapidated, is a good thing for the sport as a whole ?
Is this where we want to see UK paintball portrayed ?
Or do we wanna concentrate on events like the Campaign Cup, the 'Simply the Best' tournaments of Bully and Payney and so on ?
If I am wrong tell me please cuz I am beginning to believe I, and others in the magazine are living on another planet.
Now if these peeps want coverage of UK Events to the extent they want, then the answer is simple, join the UKPSF, go to Steve Bull and hi-jack his UKPSF publication and put them in there.
Eeeezzy Peeeezy Lemon Squeeezy !!!!
Let me know and address your answer to Robbo, Duff, Ant, Nick, Justin, Matt, Rab on Planet Uranus