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PGI mag - not what it used to be...


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Re: Re: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

Originally posted by Paul_collier

However(come on, you knew it was coming :D) the tournies that do happen in the uk that 'we'd' like to see coverage of aren't really the 5 man in Bognar Regis
Dude where are these bad ass 5 man tourneys at? I have got to play the Cleethorpes classic and Bognar Regis Open.:D :D :p

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
I see a couple of things along the lines of 'if PGI did more coverage of local events, there'd be more people getting in the scene'. Perhaps that is true, but it is a HUGE gamble. And the way I see it as somebody responsible for running a business, is this; PGI has two major goals, the promotion of paintball and the coverage of related events and products, plus the long term survival of the magazine. C'mon, the guys that make the mag have families too, they have rent or mortages to pay, mouths to feed. The risk would be too great!
A local mag may be cool, but not realistic. For that the market is just too small, paintbal ain't exactly a main stream hobby, you know.


Stroke the badge Kenneth!
Steve, Dude what did you start? :confused:

The South West League ran a competition to write a review of Leg 5, if the review was good enough it would of made PGI. I guess either no one replied or the standard of literacy in the South West just ain't up to it, probably the first :(

I do agree though that organisers should post their tourneys somewhere. We need a Calandar of tourneys so us bumkins can get out and see the outside world.


Aug 23, 2001
Visit site

Hey Guys, kinda feel the lack of coverage of the British scene is due to the fact we no longer have any prestige at the events.

It is great to win say at Temple or Nottingham etc, but it is hard to be be proud or gloat let alone expect it to be breaking news. At one point if you played the Gold Cup, NSG 5 man, Hyperball etc these were major events along with the NPPS, no where near the quality we have today, but they had prestige. They were worthy of an article.

With Tournies getting so damn good such as the Millenium and the NPPL anything else is just a knock around, totally over shadowed. You all know where it is at, and so do PGI.

I would just like to say that the above does not mean the standard of tournies in the UK is poor, as most are very good and without the organisers efforts to keep the scene alive, British teams would be struggling more than they are.

Dave.H. Rushers.


Jan 2, 2002
Visit site
I was thinking about this this evening so here goes,

If the pro's play an event in the US is it covered in PGI? now ask the same question for UK tournies for example Banzai's etc who play in the pro league, just somthing to chew on!

On the other hand don't see loads of other countries 'series' events so I guess it all balances out!

The way I see it is they do a damn fine job so keep up the good work chaps!


(Sitting firmly on the fence on this one!)


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Paul_collier
I was thinking about this this evening so here goes,

If the pro's play an event in the US is it covered in PGI? now ask the same question for UK tournies for example Banzai's etc who play in the pro league, just somthing to chew on!

On the other hand don't see loads of other countries 'series' events so I guess it all balances out!

The way I see it is they do a damn fine job so keep up the good work chaps!


(Sitting firmly on the fence on this one!)
the pro teams Stateside play the following, the NPPL series, 5 tournaments, Mardi Gras and the rest of the season for the top pro teams is taken up by playing whatever events they can in the Millennium...and that is it mate.
So to answer your question, the answer is 'Yes'.
Pokey little tournaments that say, the Banzais may play in now and again have no parallel Stateside, pro team excursions in the US are all frikkin big time tourneys and therefore warrant the coverage.
The Yanks got Mardi Gras in New Orleans
And what have we got coming up?
I tell you what we got, a frikkin five man in a Birmingham cowshed !!!!
An earlier poster had it right, we just ain't got the tournament organisers here who are willing to put on a good show unless of course you think running around a run down cowshed is a prime example of British promotional expertise.
Just my opinion u understand :)
Robbo (Not sitting on the fence)
Undestand now ?


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!


The Antman, Pete, all the design guys, and TJ all work there arses off to bring you a mag every month! Then you all get on here (some people excluded (scutty)) and bitch cos Ant did not drive half way round the country to report on a Tournament you and your mates entered! Do any of you have any idea what it is like to report on a tourney? If they mention your team you are happy but if they don't you have a cow and for what? That is just the tip of the iceburg, before you have to look at every game figure out who played who on what field, did anything good happen. It's mad!! Well most of you can write so why not do it and send it in, instead of bitching and whining cos your team did not get a mention. Of course the other alternative is for you to set up a mag and do it all yourselves!!!! Or they may just come down to your work and bitch and whine about your job and what a crap job you do! Sorry nearly vented my splean (spellin?) then

So I would like to say Ant, Pete and TJ well done guys! Your mag is still the only one worth reading and it still makes me laugh. So keep up the good work and sod what some people say!


Piper:D :D

Just Curious

Active Member
Jul 6, 2001
Just a Thought.

This thread was started by somebody moaning about the coverage of the U.K Paintball scene(or Lack of). Me, I think P.G.I is a great read.

I was thinking that maybe this person and the people who agree with their views, take it upon themselves to write up a report of any Tourneys that they attend, Teams, Scores, short comment on the games and post it on this Board. This is a perfect medium for reaching the masses AND it will keep everybody informed about whats going on.

Thus their egos will be appeased!!

The only drawback, no pictures, DAMN!!! That will never do!!!:D

Just a thought.