ok, i not had chanse to read everybodys replys to the post so i may be going over old ground but these ar my views.
the paintball industry in americea alone grew from $195billion in 200 to $225billion in 2001. that kind of money does not go away. if you want to see the proof of that go to
and secondly.....ban paintball because of a threat to eyes.....
WTF!!!!!!!!!!! if the american government (for example) has nothing better to do than ban paintball when people buy guns and KILL each other every day!!!!!!!!!! then the world has gone wrong someware.
lest list every dangerous sport that is not banned.....ok
formula 1.....200mph, crash.....not just a bad hair day.
super bikes
world rally
any other car racing, bike racing
cricket........80-90mph ball....yup, thats not dangerous
any other contact sport
do i have to go on.......ok
swimming, if not done right you could drown........that is on the same level as paintball.........if the rules are followed then ther should be no problems....its only when they are broken that things go wrong. what are we going to be left with....chess!!!
It has been said many times and is probably true that we are not ready for the big time but dude, that does not mean we will not get there.....
not gonna happen