![GI Team Colors](https://i.imgur.com/St7FKkA.gif)
The ONLY thing I can see paintball teach them is a slight modicum of teamwork.If they managed to get their hands on some guns, and shot up london, i don't think that would be too funny.
A day of paintballing might give them the impression they were capable of doing something like this.
Given the tendancy for these chaps to blow themselves up, its entirely possible. Dressed as a tree or not, if they decided to shoot up a shoping mall or something, there would be little in the way to stop them. The cops in London aren't even armed!
I'm really suprised at the dismissive attitude taken by the paintballers on this forum, but i do appreciate the intelectual capacity in which it is expressed.
Can you imagine if i posted this on PrePubeNation?
To be honest, I can't really go through life worrying about things like this. Once we start seeing ghosts and scary shadows around every corner and behind every tree, we'll be governed by fear. That's also when you'll give your government a free reign, Patriot Act stylee.
I trust my Muslim neighbours more than I trust the people who run my country...