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Paintball and politics plus conspiracy theories...

I may be missing something but...

... if we can't even get the x-games to think that it is worthwhile to include paintball then why should the IOC?

Don't get me wrong, I love the game - there is nothing I would rather do than see it gain a huge following, but we have to look at the bare facts.
1) Like buddha said it is toooooo hard for the average person to follow/enjoy the game. Sure for us it is exciting - we know what to look for, and we all are a little strange :) - but it would not pass the grandmother test. What you may ask is the grandmother test? This is the test I have thought up that determines whether or not something can appeal to a wide range of people. Take a pball video and give it to you grandma and see if she likes it - up until now the only one that passes the test is the Campaign DVD. The majority of paintball footage is boring with a capital B - actually more boring than girls highschool basketball (the only thing that makes this better is 18 year old girls in shorts) - and yes I can say this because I have coached it and know what I am talking about.

2) Tournament paintball players in general are a bunch of spoiled rotten idiots who only think of themselves, not the game. Again I am speaking from experience - I am a tourney player (and a member of the Millennium Disciplinary Committee) and what I see going on at most major tournaments makes me wonder if we will ever make any progress. From flooded hotel rooms to paint being shot across football fields to excessive foul language to on field fighting and the list goes on and on and on. If I where a major network/sports council I wouldn't want to touch us with a ten foot pole - and I love the game.

3) Like it or not in the publics eye we us GUNS. Yes I know, most olympics sports originate from some sort of military activity - fencing, archery, equestrian sports, even the marathon for heavens sake. But when was the last time someone held up a 7-11 with a fencing foil or did a drive-by with a bow & arrow while riding a horse? Get my picture? We can argue this to doomsday but the current geo-political situation (did ya like that Buddha - kinda deep huh?) is one that frowns on any violent looking act right now - and for good reason. Then add to this school shootings and idiots doing paintball drive-bys and we are really screwed.

But enough on the negatives, do I think our much loved sport can make it big? I hope so - I feel it definatley has the potential. Every game usually has 1 or 2 sequences that make people say "Damn, did'ya see that", and the way that the Campaign DVD was cut together shows that it can be presented in a eye catching & interesting manner for the non-playing public. But things will have to change a bit.
1) There will have to be some kind of format/game change. The idea of running the flag back is antiquated, the point scoring is a little hard to follow (could be made easier) and there is too much "dead" time. What will happen - I don't know - I have some ideas, but no money to try them out, so they might just die with me.
2) Players have to grow up and lookat the big picture - a lot of "pros" and top amateurs think that it is great that they get free paint/markers/masks etc., but don't realize that everytime they act like an idiot it takes them & the sport one step further from the really big paydays. At this stage of our developement just imagine what an article in Sports Illustrated that truly depicted what goes on a tournament would do to big sponsor money? Can you say down the drain?
3) The manufacturers need to act responsibly when it comes to the marketing of their equipment. Get it out of Kmart & Walmart - it doesn't belong there. Help improve the image of paintball instead of just trying to sell more.

Last but not least - and to get this post back to the original track - there needs to be some kind of world governing body. Maybe not a set of worldly accepted rules -as others have pointed out - but at least an equivalent to FIFA, FIBA etc. that can enforce player conduct and sanction events.

*whew* I'm done


Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
I may be missing something but...

Originally posted by goose
did ya like that Buddha - kinda deep huh?
You have been tought well, my young apprentice. Now, strike me down with all your hatred and your journey to the dark side will be complete!.... Whoops! I was having flashbacks again... :D

Wow Goose, besides the fact that your post was informative and I agree with you wholeheartedly, YOU HAVE BEEN IN CHARGE OF A GROUP OF 18 YEAR OLD GIRLS IN SHORTS! I think you and I should be friends...

Seriously, what I'd like to know is what everybody's motivation is for wanting paintball to go bigtime. I can think of a few reasons, but I'd like to hear the rest of the world's first.


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
Visit site
You mean APART from the glory of posing in front of millions of people rather than just a few thousand at most?:D ;) :p

Seriously, there are I number of reasons why I want the sport to go mainstream. I love this sport and want more & more people to have the enjoyment I have from it. I want to be able to tell people what I do for fun without all the "weekend warrior" & "Rambo" comments I get now. I want to be able to go anywhere in the world & be able to get a game easily. And last, but not least, there's economy in numbers & the more regular players there are, the cheaper it'll get for us all.

Of course, being a male dominated sport (which I don't think will change much however "mainsream" we go), it would give me an even bigger pool of men to choose from :D :D

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Any room for an assistent coach who knows nothing about basketball?

For me the economics would be one of the major incentives.
The more product is sold, the lower overhead per product will be, the lower prices can and should be. But I think we're in a viscious circle at the moment. Paintball is expensive because of the relatively low number of people playing, and the growth is somewhat stunted because of the pricetag....dillemma!


Imature member
I may be missing something but...

Just a few follow-ups on some of your comments goose...

Originally posted by goose
... if we can't even get the x-games to think that it is worthwhile to include paintball then why should the IOC?
Any guesses why the X-Games won't include Paintball? Who's formally asked? Did a negative response come down to politics and money?

1) Like buddha said it is toooooo hard for the average person to follow/enjoy the game. Sure for us it is exciting - we know what to look for, and we all are a little strange :) - but it would not pass the grandmother test.
Toulouse stands the "complete stranger that's never seen Paintball before" test. And nothing is going to stand the grandmother test if someone isn't there to explain it to them. You are correct, that if not hyped and marketed to non-Paintballers correctly, it will go no where. However, damn near every person I have introduced to tournament ball has taken a deeper interest, and come to a tournament, or looked it up on the Net.

2) Tournament paintball players in general are a bunch of spoiled rotten idiots who only think of themselves, not the game.
Bit of a bummer that. In New Zealand, Paintball tends to be played by the nicer, more mature type. I have no experience playing with tourney players from the US or Europe. However perhaps this is indicative of the average age of tournament players? Most players here are in their mid to late 20s, with a sprinkling under and above. How old is your average tourney player in the US and Europe?

3) Like it or not in the publics eye we us GUNS.

Again, this doesn't happen as much in NZ so I can't really comment. We don't have drive by shootings, school shootings, etc. Again, education of non-ballers is critical.

1) There will have to be some kind of format/game change. The idea of running the flag back is antiquated, the point scoring is a little hard to follow...
I agree that dual flag is pointless. As a player I prefer centre flag. However in a nutshell I think the only thing that is preserving dual flag is team mentality that centre flag allows lesser teams to take points of better teams, and the maxes are critical with the closeness of points at the top of the ranks. This is exactly why my team prefers dual flag.

3) The manufacturers need to act responsibly when it comes to the marketing of their equipment. Get it out of Kmart & Walmart - it doesn't belong there. Help improve the image of paintball instead of just trying to sell more.
What is wrong with these stores selling these things? Do they sell sporting equipment? Do you want Paintball equipment to be perceived as sporting equipment? Do they sell dangerous stuff like firearms (I think they do if I remember correctly). If it is a safety concern then have age limits and sign post the isle with information about safe play and proper use.

Maybe not a set of worldly accepted rules -as others have pointed out - but at least an equivalent to FIFA, FIBA etc. that can enforce player conduct and sanction events.
I hope/believe that any international body will grow from an alliance of existing organisations and associations. Unfortunately with no financial backing, and no power players behind it, I wouldn't really expect it to go far soon. So many different people want so many different things. Will it be rules, will it be game format, will it be disciplinary, etc...Who knows.

*whew* I'm done
So am I…For now...:D



Answer number one is: They don't consider paintball an extreme sport. Extreme sports don't have teams.

Answer number two is: ESPN will not have anything to do with paintball. They call it "the P-word". This has to do with the crap they continue to endure related to their brush with paintball going on what, 6 years ago?

The first answer I have direct from someone who has talked to ESPN, the second I have from talking with ESPN myself.

- Chris