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Paintball and politics plus conspiracy theories...


Imature member
It was interesting to catch up with some of the Aussies that came over for the recent tournament here in New Zealand and to hear how things are going in the Paintball world off the field over there. I didn't have much of a background in Aussie Paintball history, but it sounds that like in the past they had a successful, organised association (The APPL) and organised tournaments series, but that politics, egos and infighting reduced the effectiveness of the APPL and now things are factionalised and that there is no single national association trying to further the sport over there.

Add to this the NPPL/PSP rift, accusations of tampering by officials in the Millennium Series, lost score sheets and more egos and politics. Then chuck the money side of the sport into things.

My question is, is there more goodwill and the desire to advance Paintball, or is the sport ruled by egos, politics and empires? I guess the answer is obvious really. Every sporting association, be it FIFA, IRB, FIA, NFL, etc. is ruled by politics. How far away is the IPA (International Paintball Association)? I guess this is linked to unifying standards. Some say our game isn’t in its final format yet. Is that what we are waiting for is a final unifying format or rule set? We seem to be at a pivotal time in our history. A crux in our evolution. Will pride and politics be the ruin of us?

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
I doubt we'll ever see the end of that sort of thing.
Let's for arguments sake say that paintball is as popular as football. That would mean that the politics that go with the 'governing body' will only increase, since the interests involved are even higher.
Simply put, the more money is involved, the more politics we'll see...sad but true.
I believe it is absolutely key

to settle upon unified team numbers - 7-Man is my gut feel - and standardised field design for tournament ball. Until this happens, any hope of getting a recognized sport will be hampered.

Actually, standardized field design is less of an issue than team size and game length, come to think of it...



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Gotta go with Buddha3 on this one, I think some teams at the moment are trying to pull more strokes than an Olympic oarsmen and the more money gets involved, the worse it will all become, but hey, who said Paintball was be gonna immune from the influences that most other sports fall prey to.
Just my cynical opinion you understand :)


Pompey Paintballer
IMHO the problems in paintball will never be solved until there is an International Governing Body in paintball something along the lines of FIFA

Industry will always be thinking about money, players about themselves. What is required are people in charge who care about the sport itself not just their own team, ego or bank balance

You may think I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one

BTW what's wrong with Politics anyway? I've got a Degree in Politics and other than a tendency to lie, cheat, steal and make speeches it never did me any harm

Oh yeah. Vote Hotpoint for President of the International Paintball Sports Association... you know it makes sense :p


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2001
New Zealand
Politics ...

Politics are always going to be there - especially when paintball is such a small scene and everyone know everyone else.

I believe that in time we will have a true international body - but it will only happen once individual countries start moving towards a common standard. Things that need to happen:
  • Standard Tournament Rules
  • Standard Team Format (i.e. 7 player)
  • International player classification
    As for what's in it for you ... well I believe that the issue is to get every country to form their own association (which all players should join), and then link the associations into a a global body. Then the real benefits are upto your individual country ... with the global body acting as an administrator to try and set standards on rules, tournament standards and playing rules.

    For NZ the Association is short on the tangible benifits - we're a small country so discounts and free stuff ain't easy (all sponsorship gratefully accepted - email me below). The main thing for us is having a legal body who can talk to the official world (i.e. Police and Government) about the laws governing things (you know to keep paintball legal and stuff) + sanctioning events and the like. (There is other stuff but I'll keep this brief ;))

    The New Zealand Paintball Players Assocation (NZPPA) is there, the APPL (Australia) as is the UKPSF ... and I'm sure the French have one as well. What's to stop us doing something like that now and move towards things slowly over time..... any takers or are there only naysayers out there?

    Happy to discuss further.



Pompey Paintballer
Politics ...

Originally posted by Dannefaerd

The New Zealand Paintball Players Assocation (NZPPA) is there, the APPL (Australia) as is the UKPSF ... and I'm sure the French have one as well. What's to stop us doing something like that now and move towards things slowly over time..... any takers or are there only naysayers out there?

There are also Federations in Canada, Belgium, Russia, Denmark, Germany etc etc

There is no reason whatsoever why we couldn't get a Global Governing Body off the ground as long as:

(i) The National Bodies agree to set up and defer to it
(ii) Industry doesn't try to prevent/sabotage/hamstring it
(iii) Somebody can be bothered to get it going

Even the organisation would be easy. A council made up of Reps from each affilaited National Body and an Elected Chairman or President would suffice in the interim

Any thoughts?


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2001
New Zealand
Sorry to hijack this RePete (but I am sure that you'll understand)

Any country associations that wish to try and thrash something like this out (or anyone who wants to help - and especially "names"/people from the States) drop me an email at dannefaerd@paradise.net.nz and I am happy to try and co-ordinate a email list/net get together.

And for all those laughing at this from the outside? Why not try and help for a change.

President - NZPPA