Originally posted by Bagpuss
Teams are no legal entities. I think Mr Smith has received bad legal advise.
This could well lead to a very muddy fight which might cost the PA more then just money.
Shame to see this happen.
If you signed a contract of any description is has a minor form of legality.If written properly the problem being to uphold it as the smallest of grey areas will stop you ever following it through in court.
The shadow of doubt will loom over you if you hold the contract because unless its signed for one and all the terms are, or have been met. You have lost already.
Its then for you to prove the contract was in breach by its conditions.
The smallest breach of conditions shall void the contract, unless agreed by both parties and a letter recieved saying so. This stops come backs later.
Any monies outstanding if paid in full shall be returned then by the either the party owed or party owing or incur interest payments at the regulated bank interest rate. This is if not returned within a given time, usaully 14 days from the letter.
The worst case being nobody wants letters from peaple asking for money and the legalities of doing this have to be water tight, as the outcome if not financially let alone on a reputation level can be damaging if the parties sueing people get it wrong.
If no cooling off period was allowed the contract is deemed to be null and void.
And if you feel that you entered a contract and was misleaded or hard sold to, in other words pressured by means both mentally or pysically then you have the following option or avenue.
The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 makes it an offence for a trader to apply, by any means, false or misleading statements, or to knowingly or recklessly make such statements about services.
The Act carries criminal penalties and is enforced by local authorities' Trading Standards Officers.
Need I say more, all you have to do if you recieve a letter is take it to your solicitor then sue for costs and damages, if you win of course. (MEANT IN THE JOKING SENSE.PLEASE READ IT CARFULLY)
Dont put details open to everyone to read that is confidential between you and the contract owner and can get you into trouble maybe.