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Pa Has Taken All Teams that dropped out to court, (EDITED DUE TO MISREAD BY SOMEONE)

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What do u mean i missed!!
Mar 1, 2002
Originally posted by Silver Fox
I bet a few other leagues will watch this one with interest. How many times have you turned up to a tourney to find 2 or 3 teams have pulled out the night before leaving your division short?
I think it may cost the PA couple of teams next season though.

also looking at it from another angle, how many time have you turned up at a tourney and the facilitys are poor, the fields dont have enough bunkers on them, the marshelling is poor, the food is crap, the grass to long the rules change field to field, dirty bunkers etc. where does it stop.

If you are going to take teams to court, then the service you provide which the teams pay for will have to be squeaky clean otherwise teams will then have issues with the organiser and the potential to take leagal action against the organiser for fail to provide as promised.

which is getting silly as this is still an amateur sport, how do you take a team to court?? it does not have anything of value its not like its registered anywhere, players leave and join at the drop of a hat.


mad dog

On Facebook
Jan 18, 2002
Nottingham / UK
Originally posted by Baca Loco
1. I am shocked! That Russell is such a bad speller--or is that just Lee's transcription?
2. Lee, I am shocked! Again. Did you go outside the family for legal advice this time--or have you inadvertantly used the wrong pronoun in referring to your solicitor?
3. I have some reservations about allowing this thread but on the whole I think it is relevant--and sure to be entertaining. However, if the subject cannot be discussed and debated thoughtfully and deteriorates into a slagging match I will close it without hesitation.
4. Could we change mad dog's name to barking mad dog?
5. Do you believe in serendipity? Under the circumstances, I don't.
I agree with you, but I'm not changing my name. Your funny.

See what I don't understand is this. We discussed once before in another thread the meaning of paintball as a sport and how to make this country better.

Well this is not helping, if you enter into a contract.

1. You must have a cooling off period in it.
2. You must of signed it with all parties representing the management of the team and the contract owners of the venue. Thats all the directors of the tournament.
3. All the conditions must be met as disclosed in the contract, plus any changes will have to be discussed and a new contract written otherwise the old one becomes null and void.
4. If the position has been filled or disclosed that a position has been filled that you occupied then there is no room for any come backs. As you so called owned a spot as they are saying.
5. A term of agreement will also state a time of persual of outstanding balances. Why has it happened at the end of there season.
6. The contract will be based on the venue, if a change of venue takes place the contract must be changed because terms have changed, as it has changed for you in costs travelling to the new venue and hotel stop overs.
7. With contract comes responsiblity and that brings copies of insurances for damages on or around the venue.

There are probably loads more, but this is the sad part.

Why on earth is this happening, they filled there spots, got supposedly over 40 teams playing the PA, why ruin there rep for next year.

We work at having good areas to play on and the more the better I say. But this is just going to scare people away thats why I said it was wrong.

We need more tournies to increase our player base, places for new teams to play and progress.
No good saying we can handle it all because there is a limit to most sites what can be handled properly.


Originally posted by Dannefaerd
Now that's the funniest thing I've read in a while ... and to think Beaker said you don't have a sense of humour :)
He's correct.

That's why I've just handed him his notice and thrown him out of the window.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Originally posted by Dannefaerd
Now that's the funniest thing I've read in a while ... and to think Beaker said you don't have a sense of humour :)
You think Beaker is fit to judge?

And wow, how much money does the PA have? Paying a fortune to get wallyball on TV and now this! I've seen 3 year olds with better fiscal sense!


Chaos, panic and disorder
Jun 11, 2004
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As far as I understand it, teams are not seperate legal entities unless they are constituted as such under one of the acts.. i.e. as a company/cc/trust etc... which I doubt any non-pro teams are.. so surely its not possible for a team to enter into a contract and so not possible to sue a team?

Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
I just can't understand how this would ever 'stick'??

I'm no lawyer but this certainly seems thin in the extreme.

I can understand the frustration of organisers when teams just pull out (and for the other teams) and I would be in favour for setting up this kind of thing in a true closed league but unless everyone sits down and agrees terms before hand I just can't see anything but grief coming from this for all parties.
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