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P8 is to go Members Only.



yep, you're banned and so is anyone who doesn't meet the following criteria:

To post at p8ntballer you must:

1. Have played with a Sterling or a Phantom and regarded them as 'new-fangled'
2. Been on a 15-man team
3. Been on a team with the word 'command', 'force' or 'troop' in its name
4. Steadfastly refused to play with a semi for at least two years after they were launched on the grounds that 'it takes all the skill out of the game'
5. Imagined that you are in a real combat situation and hummed Paint it Black to yourself whilst stalking the opposition
6. Still have three back players on your team using pumps because 'they are more accurate and have greater range'
7. Have seen Graham Easton shoot someone
8. Refer to Sup'Air Ball as 'bouncy castle ball'
9. Have paid 48c a ball for paint
10. Have had numerous debates about the relative merits of camo and actually threatened someone with physical violence if they again claim that Tigerstripe 'blobs out' in the woods

Got it?


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
T o qualify???

Errrm no, but on point 3, once I had one of those Leather "Troop" tracksuits ala Run DMC (and a big clock ala Flavor Flav).

Also I have done point 5 although I was also taking a VC ville at the time. And re point 10, up to May this year firmly believed that Ghillie suits had a place in paintball (until I saw bouncy castle ball that is).

I was merely trying to point out how difficult is would be to enforce. And you mods are nearly as facetious as I am.
;) ;) ;)


Mother, is that you?
Goodness geezers, it was a question and I agree - I can't come up with a suitable criteria.

One thing though stongl and Cowface, over the last month or two I've had a real problem understanding what this board is for. Why run a forum at all.... cos we aren't making any money out of it, so why do it?

And therefore, you could say that 100 fully paid up members forming an exclusive club would be more profitable, less hassle, and, if those people were 'influential' in the politics of paintball, the board would probably serve a better purpose.

Only an idea. Thoughts?


Jul 1, 2002
London, UK
I'd be willing to stick my neck out to say it sells more copies of PGI. Seems like exceedingly cheap advertising to me.


Mother, is that you?
Originally posted by Rabies
I'd be willing to stick my neck out to say it sells more copies of PGI. Seems like exceedingly cheap advertising to me.

How does the forum sell more copies of the mag?

The site sells more copies of the mag... but there's only 100 regular posters Vs an average of 40k unique visitors to the site. So, I ask the question again.... why run the forum?


Apr 24, 2002
Visit site
Originally posted by stongl
Hmm, agree to a point, but how could you define the criteria?

What yardstick are you going to use to define knowledge experience etc
No yardstick, tie a piece of rope round ya head and the bigger the size the more IQ u got ;)

Post counts are out - look at some of the post counts which go from 1 to a gazillion billion in about a week from posting sh*te.
Whut defines our characters on here, 1000+ not a busy chracter at work, lazy 1 btw :)

IQ, excludes front playerz, who may at times have some valuable insight (although I agree the Tweenies & playbus should be off topic).
Im front so this is personal!:)

Educational Achievement - everybody knows they suck the common sense out of you at university, so exclude that graduates? yeah they said to me once, 3 spelling mistakes and ur classified as dyslexic, well duh!

Country of Origin, are we to have quota's for ethnic minorities now? Like sorry we've already got 1000 members from the UK, but we're a little short on the view's of the Lesbian Womens Afghan Refugee X-ball team?
They got the internet over there?

Ahhh, but did I see Fee slipped in there????? Rancid not looking to line one's pockets by chance?
You sayin thats bad?>

Ok so I'm being an ickle bit facetious, but they are very difficult qualities to define, although prepared to stand corrected.

already have
