HHmmm far fetched predictions huh . . . how bout this:
Someone,still un-named, rises out of the paintball industry, and having money like Bill Gates creates an international League that actually has good prizes, fields, refs. Using the X-ball format he bought from Richmond, and then after pruchasing Kingman, JT, ICD, National, and most other comapnies, creates a World Paintball League that treats Pro players all around the world like real athletes and pays us millions in contracts and bonuses and makes our sport the most popular to watch in all of the world. Coincidentally it solves world hunger in the process by creating edible paintballs, creates world peace cause they just play ball to solve conflicts, and gets rid of world poverty due to the huge demand for paintball equipment . . . um yeah I think that was it
Someone,still un-named, rises out of the paintball industry, and having money like Bill Gates creates an international League that actually has good prizes, fields, refs. Using the X-ball format he bought from Richmond, and then after pruchasing Kingman, JT, ICD, National, and most other comapnies, creates a World Paintball League that treats Pro players all around the world like real athletes and pays us millions in contracts and bonuses and makes our sport the most popular to watch in all of the world. Coincidentally it solves world hunger in the process by creating edible paintballs, creates world peace cause they just play ball to solve conflicts, and gets rid of world poverty due to the huge demand for paintball equipment . . . um yeah I think that was it