All I can say
is some things never change. Tyg with his mouth open and a renowned baller trying to kill him.
As to predictions--that Eblade one is a no brainer.
Oct. 2003
The result of a strange shower accident all TJ's flowing locks fall out and Robo sprouts hair like something out of a werewolf movie that soon leaves him looking like Cousin It despite near constant efforts at grooming so when Nexxus takes the field they are trailed by a giant mound of hair sprouting two muscular arms. It's such a disconcerting sight Nexxus wins the first ever X-Ball World Cup.
Avalanche show up for same event dressed in identical shirts, ties and jackets and pass out religious tracts to other tents and Ed delivers a rousing sermon Sunday morning before finals begin.
NPPL finishes an inaugural season of ups and downs but is otherwise successful as it offers a world unifying series of 7-man events at considerably less cost to the teams than PSP and maintains ref numbers on the field in accordance with its own rules! Reffing still sucks but at least there's enough of them there.
Salm starts competing league of castaway pros who were dumped by their teams when it was decided they didn't fit the X-Ball mold. In a startling reversal of fortune the FU league gets a TV contract to appear on TNN (The Nashville Network) though most watchers never realize it's pball but instead think its some sort of comic mayhem with guys dressed up in colorful shirts in a weekly re-enactment of the LA riots.
I get a monthly column in PGI that proves so universally popular that by Oct. 2003 nobody will admit to ever having heard of me much less having met me anywhere.