The problem with the current 'x-ball is not more expensive' arguments is that they are argued from a theoretical point of view.
A 'team' plays a full game - regardless of how much play time is in it. If the event calls for 8 five minute games - they play eight games and it costs them what it costs them. If the event calls for 12 30 minute games, that's what they play and it costs them what it costs them.
When someone collects the bucks for the paint bill, 20 players into 100 cases is 5 cases per player, 10 players into 25 cases is 2.5. Doesn't matter how many minutes it took to shoot it all, the paint bill coming out of the pocket is still bigger.
Likewise, when it comes to sponsorship, someone footing the entire bill for an xball team is paying way more per year than someone footing the bill for a 7 player team. The sponsor doesn't care how many game minutes each player got, his concern is 20 round trip tickets versus 10.
Theoretically, the paint consumption might come out roughly equal - but when it comes down to taking money out of your own personal wallet, one is more expensive than the other.
Pete - I don't come on here to discuss issues over which I have no control or influence - I come on here to find out what other people are thinking about those issues, to bounce a few ideas off of some other intelligent, experienced ballers and maybe learn a thing or two.
Everyone once and a while I hope that the powers that be might see something I said and give it a thought or two, but I'm certainly not expecting a letter with a check in the mail.