Missy, (hope u r feeling better by the way), you are right and wrong, Seregy does assume a more coherent industry than perhaps he should do and this is the one time where I was right and he was not so because way back when we were discussing whether or not he should stump up with the asking price for NXL membership, I advised no because of the people involved, or rather the chemistry involved.Originally posted by Missy Q
While I respect the mans vision (Sergey), he assumes a healthier and more professional industry than exists. He assumes an ability to make long-term loss-leading investments. He also assumes the industry can be cohesive and co-operative. Unless he plans to finance his grand scheme himself, and establish his own obedient infrastructure that will protect his investments rather than exploit them, it ain't going to happen.
I believe the Russians weakness is his familiarity with a sensible environment, where things follow a plan and make sense.
He was of the opinion that the marketability and consequent momentum generated by XBall would see it thru, no matter who was running ti.
I had my doubts and if Sergey did get it wrong, it was more because he hadn't had the experience of working with all those involved.
His yardsticks were of course responsible businessman and we both know you cannot apply those type rationale to Paintball.
I tell ya this much Missy, if he does take control of that NXL, then it's gonna be a whole different ball game and a few things will inevitably happen, the future would look brighter, people would make money, paintball would evolve and you guys would have one helleuva fight on yer hands coz at the moment, all I see is the towel being thrown in by way too many people.