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Nxl 2005

Nick Brockdorff

New Member
Jul 9, 2001
The only reason.....

.....I brought F1 racing into this, was to make the point of spectators being abkle to associate themselves with what would otherwise be exceptionally boring to watch, due to personal experiences.

Also, using any kind of "ball" sport as an example, will immidiately get us started on the whole "central point of focus" debate - which is a whole other issue..... I could have used a number of other sports instead...... but the sport used as an example was not the topic for discussion.... the point I was trying to make WITH the example was ;)

As such, the example is valid.... on any other level, I agree racing is a far cry from Paintball..... but if you tell me what you want to discuss specifically, I'll gladly amend the example to sometyhing fitting that specific debate ;)



Mother, is that you?
Is the aim to bring more people into paintball?

Originally posted by Manning26

Joe Public will more than likely figure out that this Olly guy is reloading his gun while running then sticking his gun into another guys back. It isn't rocket science. You ever see Platoon ? Remember when, oh crap, what's his face was running through the woods by himself cutting down NVA en route to his extraction point a la Lasoya? Essentially, this is what will register with someone who's never seen paintball before,

Yeah Platoon. Crazy. Now that's what I call televisible paintball. It's what the vast majority of the paintball playing public do... and it's what attracts the vast majority of people to play. Uncle Ben wants to shoot insurgents, he don't want 15 welts a second up and down his hairy back.

So, I agree with Baca "TV makes PB more accessible", as long as Paintball is in its most accessible format.

Don't let the elitists erode paintball.

(ps Glenn agrees with me!)


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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That was the point I made Goatboy.

Shame the tournament boys are so far up their botties they can't see the woods for the sup-air bunkers.

The best, easiest and most accessible way to view paintball will be in a scenario based gameshow format. We've alrerady had prime time strategy reinactment, combat sim, will work.

Got me an Armotech already.


Well-Known Member
Well, most people over here have played football in their back yards with a group of friends, but that doesn't make it the ideal vehicle for television just because everyone can relate to a bunch of lard-asses swarming around a patch of mud for a football. I'd much rather watch an NFL game as opposed to this, that is, unless it's a show of me and my friends playing. For Paintball to get any recognition it would be far better to market it with our pro's than showing off the rest of our unshaven masses slinking through the woods. Plus, as you've already pointed out, it's been tried that way multiple times, and it's always fizzled! So why not let us give it a shot this way?

As Jay already pointed out, we've always been lacking in the 'flying, bloody limbs' category anyway, we'll never get the Platoon audience without 'em.


People's Supermod
Sep 18, 2003
Chicago (South Side)
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hate to do this, but what you just refered to is 'American' Football. Which is not football at all, but is akin to rugby, except in Rugby they don't have to stop for a rest every 20 seconds or wear full kevlar body armor like a bunch of sissies.
For the sake of argument, lets just get that straight b4 we continue...

Nick Brockdorff

New Member
Jul 9, 2001

Maybe someone should ask the fundamental question: "What are the aims of putting paintball on TV?"
That kind of depends who is asking the question:

- The TV company?
- The promoter?
- The manufaturer?
- The team owner?
- The tournament player?
- The Rec player

Each of them will give you a different answer..... my guess would be:

TV company:
To target a new audience and make money selling advertising space to the companies that target that audience.

To make more money running my events.

To obtain market growth for my products.

Team Owner:
To finally be able to make money on my brand.

Tournament player:
Because it would be cool to be on TV.

Rec player:
Because it's more interesting to watch for me than most other shows on TV.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by rancid
Yeah, but you already play (in a hobbity kind of way).
I'm trying to figure out if you're talking football or paintball here, Mr. Baggins.

Originally posted by rancid
Maybe someone should ask the fundamental question: "What are the aims of putting paintball on TV?"
Money, naturally. Growth of the sport an' all. Kids see it on tv, think it looks fun, ask mom and dad for paintball kit and subscription to PGi. Parents can shut it down right there. If the kids show a bunch of guys in camo' playing war in the woods it may not go over as well as a bunch of guys playing war on a Sup' Air field with sponsors names all over the place, jerseys with players names, and huge paint-jobs on unsuspecting players goggles. If it's shown as a sport instead of a hobby it's much more attractive.

Originally posted by rancid
When will I be seeing you again 26?
May just have to bite the bullet and settle for a couple days to see my little Soph.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Intheno
hate to do this, but what you just refered to is 'American' Football. Which is not football at all, but is akin to rugby, except in Rugby they don't have to stop for a rest every 20 seconds or wear full kevlar body armor like a bunch of sissies.
For the sake of argument, lets just get that straight b4 we continue...
I watched rugby last time I was in England... bunch o' pussies.

And man, what says excitement like a bunch of guys falling all over each other trying to kick a ball? Wow!;)