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NPPL Super 7..The real deal!!


Bloody Yanks!!
Jun 5, 2002
Strong Island
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Originally posted by raehl

If Chuck can make a bunch of money running a national league, he should. If PSP can, they should. If they both can, great. I never understood why paintball players are so opposed to promoters making a lot of money. They won't make any money if they don't run events people want to go to.

- Chris
Chris,its never been about how much the promoters make..Its about doing it right...If the PSP and NPPL ran perfect events do you think anybody would give three ****s what they were making..But when all the little things are skimped on,it opens up a ton of questions to where the money is going..Nobody questions where the $ is going to in the Millennium...Hmmm,i wonder why??

But your right..I hope PSP and Super 7 both succeed if to only benefit Paintball as a whole..Just 2 more months and we shall see...



If people bitched about Millenium, then the Europeans couldn't rub it in our faces all the time. ;)

But you didn't answer the question: How is the new promotions company any more accountable than the last one?

- Chris


Bloody Yanks!!
Jun 5, 2002
Strong Island
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I just tied the noose in my bathroom..

Originally posted by raehl
If people bitched about Millenium, then the Europeans couldn't rub it in our faces all the time. ;)
But the simple fact is, they run the best P-Ball tourneys to date no ifs,ands,or buts...And they take criticism of there tourney to heart..They put a ****load of effort into it and when things go wrong do they make excuses,Nope,they fix whats wrong so it doesnt happen again in the future..Can u say that about events here??

Originally posted by raehl
But you didn't answer the question: How is the new promotions company any more accountable than the last one?

The real question is how many times do i have to answer it??Chuck owns Super 7..If promoters dont abide by sanctions they are gone...Then they start again with new promoters??Id be willing to go through a few growing pains in hope they get it right eventually,than to stay with promoters who do it right some of the time..

Listen,my Jets are outta the playoffs,the Raiders are gonna win the Super Bowl, the Mets dont resign Edgardo Alfonso,the Knicks will get the #1 pick and trade it for Dikembe Mutombo,and the Islanders wont spend any money...Have some sympathy..Super 7 is my last chance 4 a shot at happiness this decade...Lets just hope it works out...

- Chris [/B][/QUOTE]


I'm not going to get started on the whole "Do the promoters listen?" thing again - I nearly got lynched last time, go read one of the other NPPL threads for my thoughts on that.

As for Chuck owning Super 7 - I would hope that you mean NPPL, but regardless, chuck only has the NAME of the Super 7. All the other assets are owned by the promotions company. If NPPL says no to the promoter, the promoter keeps all the assets and keeps on running tournaments without NPPL. No skin off their back. All they have to do is come up with a new name.

He with the assets always wins.

Just ask my girlfriend. ;)

- Chris


Old School, New Tricks
How about just saying this guys, no bull****.

The NPPL just took a step in the right direction.

Hats off gents, take a bow. Now the hard part, make it stick. They talked the talk, but can they walk it now? They've got a few big guns in their corner, but now the microscope is on.

No pressure guys.



Bloody Yanks!!
Jun 5, 2002
Strong Island
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Originally posted by raehl
I was just hoping for a bigger step.

- Chris
Aint letdown a bitch...We cant even get the little things right yet..When that happens,then we can worry about the big picture..Sometimes i think thats where all the problems come from..Biting off more than they can chew when theres something still logded down thier throats....

Tyger-since our 80's fiasco thread ive purchased 28 Nintendo classics...Im working on Contra and Ikari Warriors as i write..Time 4 bed..Cheers guys,


Tony Montana

New Member
Aug 16, 2002
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Headrock-6 - On Millenniums you say -

"But the simple fact is, they run the best P-Ball tourneys to date no ifs,ands,or buts.."

You've trashed the PSP past, present, and future based on your attendence at one event. I was at the Gettysburg event. I can see how you were less than impressed with the air lines. And if you played 5 man, the schedule.

Now you praise the Millenium Series and I am left wondering what you base that opinion on. Again, just a simple question. How many Milleniums events have you attended?

I have no problem with people giving personal opinions. As a matter of fact, I agree with some of yours. I'm simply trying to figure out what you are basing your statements on, and how you developed these opinions.